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EVAC v1.24 EN
Start up
The heartbeat is a message sent continuously by
all units in an EVAC intercom system.
The message contains only the sending node’s
id. It is used by the system master (entrance
station) to identify and keep track of the units in
the system.
The master’s heartbeat is used by all other
units to make sure the system is working and
that the bus is working properly. When the
entrance station receives a heartbeat from a
CAN-bus node for the first time, it sets the node
to the current system mode, i.e. EVAC, FIRE or
STANDBY. Any inactive CAN-bus node (parameter
can be configured in the entrance station) is set
to standby and is ignored by the system.
When a node finds the master’s heartbeat, the
CAN LED stops flashing and is turned on fully.
A node that loses the master’s heartbeat will
enter into STANDBY mode and starts flashing the
CAN-error LED.
If the master loses any active unit, the unit is
removed from the system and an error is logged.