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EVAC v1.24 EN
The system has three main modes; STANDBY,
EVAC and FIRE. Which mode to be used are
switched via inputs, usually connected and
triggered by key switches.
STANDBY mode is the default mode, where the
system is idle. This is used during most times and
when turned off. On the entry station you can
enter the setup menu and the connect menu.
EVAC mode
In case of emergency where there is need to
evacuate persons from different locations (floor
levels), the system can be used as an evacuation
intercom by switching it into EVAC mode. The
EVAC mode is normally triggered by the main key
switch on the front of the entry station operation
panel (but other set ups are possible). The key
switch should be operated by trained personnel
on location.
When in EVAC mode, persons needing rescue
can call for assistance from the floor station
by pushing the button. The call will then be
connected (or put in queue) to the entry station
where trained personnel can give instructions.
All conversations will also be transmitted in the
car station.
Please note: The EVAC system can be configured
to operate the lift in any way.
You can configure an input to trigger the EVAC
mode in the setup menu. The system will be in
EVAC mode as long as the input is set to a high
value (16 to 30 V) and the FIRE mode is not
activated. FIRE mode has a higher priority than
EVAC mode. If the input is activated while the
system is in EVAC mode, it will automatically
switch to FIRE mode. When FIRE mode is
deactivated, the system will return to EVAC mode
if the input is set to “high”.
FIRE mode
The FIRE mode is entered by activate an input,
typically connected to a “fire fighters key”
strategically placed in the building. This will turn
the system into a “push to talk” type intercom
between the entry station and the car station. It
is also possible to add 2 more pre-defined floor
stations to the intercom if needed. This makes it
possible to have a constant communication with
e.g. a fire fighter inside the lift car, and a team/
rescue leader on the entry floor.
You can configure an input to trigger FIRE mode
in the setup menu. As long as the input is active,
the system will be in FIRE mode. Floor stations
and car stations that are configured as fire units
in the setup menu will switch into FIRE mode. All
other units will remain in STANDBY mode, the
default mode.