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6 — English



This unit alone is not a suitable substitute for complete 
fire detection systems in places housing many people—
like apartment buildings, condominiums, hotels, motels, 
dormitories, hospitals, long-term health care facilities, 
nursing homes, day care facilities, or group homes of 
any kind – even if they were once single-family homes. 
It is not a suitable substitute for complete fire detection 
systems in warehouses, industrial facilities, commercial 
buildings and special-purpose nonresidential buildings 
which require special fire detection and alarm systems. 
Depending on the building codes in your area, this unit 
may be used to provide additional protection in these 


This Carbon Monoxide Alarm may not waken all in-
dividuals because it will be installed in your garage. 

This Carbon Monoxide Alarm is not also intended to alert 
hearing impaired residents (Carbon Monoxide Alarms 
are not yet available for the hearing impaired). Practice 
the escape plan at least twice a year, making sure that 
everyone is involved – from kids to grandparents. Allow 
children to master fire escape planning and practice be-
fore holding a fire drill at night when they are sleeping. If 
children or others do not readily waken to the sound of 
the Carbon Monoxide Alarm in your garage, or if there 
are infants or family members with mobility limitations, 
make sure that someone is assigned to assist them in fire 
drill and in the event of an emergency. It is recommended 
that you hold a fire drill while family members are sleeping 
in order to determine their response to the sound of the 
Carbon Monoxide Alarm in your garage while sleeping 
and to determine whether they may need assistance in 
the event of an emergency.


Carbon Monoxide Alarms cannot work without power. 

This unit may not work if the AC power is cut off for any 
reason (open fuse or circuit breaker, failure along a power 
line or at a power station, electrical fire that burns the 
electrical wires, etc.) and if the backup batteries are miss-
ing, disconnected or dead, if the wrong type of batteries 
are used, or if the batteries are not installed correctly. 


Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm may not sense CO 
on the interior of your home.

 When installed in your 

garage, this alarm may not sense CO on the first floor or 
the second floor inside your home. For this reason, we 
recommend you install alarm devices (Combination CO 
and Smoke Alarm, or separate Carbon Monoxide Alarms 
and Smoke Alarms) inside your home in multiple locations.


This alarm will only indicate the presence of carbon mon-
oxide gas at the sensor in your garage. Carbon monoxide 
gas may be present in other areas.


Doors or other obstructions may affect the rate at which 
CO reaches this sensor in your garage. If bedroom doors 
are usually closed at night, we recommend you install 
an alarm device (Combination CO and Smoke Alarm, or 
separate Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Smoke Alarms) 
in each bedroom and in the hallway between them.


Carbon Monoxide Alarms may not be heard.

 The alarm 

horn loudness meets or exceeds current UL standards of 
85 dB at 10 feet (3 meters). However, since this Carbon 
Monoxide Alarm is installed in your garage, it may not 
wake up a sound sleeper or one who has recently used 
drugs or has been drinking alcoholic beverages. This is 
especially true if the bedroom doors are closed or only 
partly open. Even persons who are awake may not hear 
the alarm horn if the sound is blocked by distance or 
closed doors. Noise from traffic, stereo, radio, television, 
air conditioner or other appliances may also prevent alert 
persons from hearing the alarm horn. This Carbon Mon-
oxide Alarm is not intended for people who are hearing 


In the event of a fire, the Carbon Monoxide Alarm may 
not have time to alarm before the fire itself causes 
damage, injury or death, since carbon monoxide from 
some fires may not reach the unit immediately. 


amples of this include persons smoking in bed, children 
playing with matches or fires caused by violent explo-
sions resulting from escaping gas.


Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm is not a substitute for life 

Though this Carbon Monoxide Alarm warns 

against increasing CO levels, One World Technologies, 
Inc. does not warrant or imply in any way that they will 
protect lives. Homeowners and renters must still insure 
their lives.


Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm has a limited life. 


though this Carbon Monoxide Alarm and all of its parts 
have passed many stringent tests and are designed to 
be as reliable as possible, any of these parts could fail at 
any time. Therefore, you must test this device monthly. If 
it is not operating properly, the alarm should be replaced 
immediately. This Carbon Monoxide Alarm needs to be 
replaced three (3) years after its date of manufacture. 


Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm is not foolproof. 


all other electronic devices, this Carbon Monoxide Alarm 
has limitations. It can only detect CO that reaches the 
sensor in your garage. It may not give early warning if the 
source of CO is on the interior of your home, away from 
this alarm device in your garage.

Summary of Contents for GDM920

Page 1: ...e WARNING To reduce the risk of injury the user must read and understand the operator s manual before using this product Save this manual for future reference Reglas de seguridad generales 2 3 Reglas...

Page 2: ...shock fire and or serious personal injury WARNING To reduce the risk of injury do not attempt to use this product until you have read thoroughly and understand completely this operator s manual and t...

Page 3: ...if it is not working properly Carbon monoxide alarms that do not work cannot alert you to high levels of carbon monoxide Keep at least one working fire extin guisher in your garage Have at least two p...

Page 4: ...conditions and other special circum stances in and around your home Conditions which can result in transient CO situations Excessive spillage or reverse venting of fuel burning ap pliances caused by...

Page 5: ...hreat Since you cannot see or smell CO never assume it is not present An exposure to 100 ppm of CO for 20 minutes may not affect average healthy adults but after 4 hours the same level may cause heada...

Page 6: ...rms and Smoke Alarms inside your home in multiple locations CAUTION This alarm will only indicate the presence of carbon mon oxide gas at the sensor in your garage Carbon monoxide gas may be present i...

Page 7: ...ters inside your home A number of factors in and around your home may reduce this range including the number of floors number size of rooms furniture and types of building materials used for construct...

Page 8: ...ccessory has been installed A Wi Fi router connected to the internet in your home is required to use the app You will not be able to open your garage door or receive other information from the accesso...

Page 9: ...onal Safety and Health Administration OSHA commercial or industrial standards WARNING This Carbon Monoxide Alarm should not be installed in areas where the normal ambient temperature is below 40 F 40...

Page 10: ...window until the emergency services responders have arrived the premises have been aired out and your alarm remains in its normal condition 4 After following steps 1 3 if your alarm reactivates withi...

Page 11: Lights LED OPERATE light flashes green every 30 seconds Alarm The alarm is silent USING THE CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM ACCESSORY See Figure 3 page 17 After the Carbon Monoxide Alarm is installed the ala...

Page 12: ...ONS See Figure 4 page 17 Indicator Operation Mode LED Alarm Power On Flash GREEN and YELLOW every 2s then steady green Beep 1 time CO Detected Flash RED 4 times ev ery 5s for 4 min then Flash RED 4 ti...

Page 13: ...may not provide a constant charge Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm requires three standard AA batteries The following batteries are acceptable as replace ments Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA L91 Actual batt...

Page 14: ...m municating with the Wi Fi router Possible interference Consider moving your Wi Fi router or installing a booster CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM Alarm sounds two minutes after being reset CO levels indicate a...

Page 15: ...NOTES...

Page 16: ...16 English NOTES...

Page 17: ...omprendrelemanueld utilisation avant d utiliser ce produit AVERTISSEMENT LIRE ET COMPRENDRE TOUTES LES INSTRUCTIONS Le non respect des instructions ci dessous peut entra ner un choc lectrique un incen...

Page 18: ...chaufferettes portatives l int rieur du garage Garder loign des flammes nues comme les chandelles et des mat riaux inflammables viter l accumulation de d chets l int rieur du garage Ne pas d marrer un...

Page 19: ...mpoisonnement au CO RENDEZ VOUS IMM DIATEMENT DANS UNE SALLE D URGENCE et mentionnez au m decin que vous croyez avoir t empoisonn au CO L empoisonnemennt au CO peut tre diagnostiqu par un test sanguin...

Page 20: ...ant s ils sont pr sents S assurer que la ventilation des appareils se fait vers l ext rieur Ne pas utiliser de barbecue ou br ler du charbon de bois l int rieur ou dans le garage V rifier si la source...

Page 21: ...B minimum 3 m 10 pi Limites potentielles des d tecteurs de monoxyde de carbone AVERTISSEMENT Ce d tecteur de monoxyde de carbone n est pas con u pour tre utilis l int rieur de la maison ou autre pi ce...

Page 22: ...rbone n est pas adapt aux personnes malentendantes R GLES DE S CURIT PARTICULI RES AVERTISSEMENT En cas d incendie le temps de r ponse du d tecteur de monoxyde de carbone peut tre insuffisant avant qu...

Page 23: ...lliques Les interf rences caus es par ces facteurs domestiques peuvent tre r solues en R GLES DE S CURIT PARTICULI RES ajoutant des suramplificateurs de signaux Wi Fi pour augmenter la port e du signa...

Page 24: ...ouvre porte de garage o le accessoire a t install Un routeur domestique connect Internet est requis pour utiliser cette application Il sera impossible d ouvrir la porte de garage ou de recevoir l info...

Page 25: ...rel essaidud tecteurdemonoxydedecarbone Consulter le chapitre ESSAI DU D TECTEUR DE MONOXYDE DE CARBONE pour conna tre les d tails Appuyer sur la languette pour d gager et retirer le accessoire AVERTI...

Page 26: ...s s loigner de la fen tre ou de la porte ouverte tant que les r pondants du service d urgence ne sont pas arriv s que les lieux sont a r s et que l alarme ne se d clenche pas nouveau 4 Apr savoirsuivi...

Page 27: ...ert clignoteront une fois puis le t moin OPERATE vert passera au fixe et l alarme sera mise en sourdine NOTE L alarme de l appareil se d clenchera nouveau si la concentration de monoxyde de carbone CO...

Page 28: ...age Le t moin DEL ALARM ALARME rouge clignotera quatre 4 fois La s quence se r p tera une fois puis les deux t moins FAULT D FAUT jaune et OPERATE vert clignoteront une fois puis le t moin OPERATE EN...

Page 29: ...ification ou un avertissement si le niveau de monoxyde de carbone ou de temp rature est lev AVERTISSEMENT Pour viter les BLESSURES GRAVES ou MORTELLES lors d un d clenchement d alarme de niveaux lev s...

Page 30: ...remplacer imm diatement le d tecteur de monoxyde de carbone REMPLACEMENT DES PILES Voir la figure 1 page 17 AVERTISSEMENT Ce d tecteur de CO ne fonctionnera pas s il n est pas aliment par un courant...

Page 31: ...outeur Wi Fi ou installer un suramplificateur D TECTEUR DE MONOXYDE DE CARBONE L alarme retentit toutes les deux 2 minutes apr s la r initialisation Les niveaux de CO indiquent une situationpotentiell...

Page 32: ...r ADVERTENCIA El mon xido de carbono CO no se puede ver ni oler pero puedematarlo ParaevitarLESIONESGRAVESolaMUERTE Nunca debe poner en funcionamiento un autom vil un generador u otro motor accionado...

Page 33: ...t tiles en el interior de su garaje Mantenga las llamas expuestas como las velas alejadas de los materiales inflamables Evite la acumulaci n de basura en su garaje No deje su auto en velocidad m nima...

Page 34: ...ene sospechas de envenenamiento con CO Si ocurre un envenenamiento con CO se puede diagnosticar con frecuencia mediante un an lisis de sangre inmediatamente despu s de la exposici n Determinar la fuen...

Page 35: ...s cuando se encuentren disponibles en todos los artefactos que funcionan a combustible Aseg rese de que todos los artefactos tengan ventilaci n hacia el exterior No cocine a la plancha o a la parrilla...

Page 36: ...partes por mill n Alarma sonora 85 dB m nimo a 10 pies 3 metros Posibles limitaciones de las alarmas de mon xido de carbono ADVERTENCIA Esta alarma de mon xido de carbono no est dise ada para utilizar...

Page 37: ...tros artefactos pueden evitar tambi n que las personas alertas escuchen la alarma Esta alarma de mon xido de carbono no est destinada a las personas con discapacidad auditiva REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD ESPEC...

Page 38: ...s conductos los artefactos met licos de gran tama o como los refrigeradores y los pernos de metal La interferencia de estos factores en su casa se puede superar al agregar amplificadores de se al de W...

Page 39: ...talado el accesorio Para usar esta aplicaci n debe haber un router Wi Fi conectado a Internet en su casa No podr abrir el port n del garaje o recibir otra informaci n de los accesorios mediante la apl...

Page 40: ...OSHA ADVERTENCIA Esta alarma de mon xido de carbono no debe instalarse en reas donde la temperatura ambiente normal sea inferior a 40 C 40 F o superior a 66 C 150 F ADVERTENCIA Tenga mucho cuidado si...

Page 41: abierta hasta que haya arribado el personal de servicio de emergencia se haya ventilado el recinto y la alarma permanezca en su estado normal 4 Despu s de seguir los paso 1 al 3 si su alarma se vue...

Page 42: ...y la luz verde de FUNCIONAMIENTO parpadean una vez luego contin a la luz verde permanente de FUNCIONAMIENTO y la alarma permanece en silencio NOTA La unidad emitir una alarma nuevamente si la concentr...

Page 43: ...s La luz LED de la ALARMA parpadea en rojo cuatro veces La secuencia se repite una vez luego la luz amarilla de FALLA y la luz verde de FUNCIONAMIENTO parpadean una vez y luego sigue la luz de FUNCION...

Page 44: ...dvertencia en su tel fono inteligente ADVERTENCIA Para evitar LESIONES GRAVES o la MUERTE en caso de niveles de alarma de mon xido de carbono o de una notificaci n de alta temperatura haga lo siguient...

Page 45: ...p gina 17 ADVERTENCIA Esta alarma de CO no puede funcionar sin alimentaci n o bater as de respaldo en funcionamiento Al retirar las bater as de respaldo por cualquier motivo o no reemplazar las bater...

Page 46: ...t comunicando con el router Wi Fi Posible interferencia Considere mover su router Wi Fi o instalar un elevador de voltaje ALARMA DE MON XIDO DE CARBONO La alarma suena dos minutos despu s de reiniciar...

Page 47: ...uette rouge orejeta de extracci n rojo B Battery compartment cover couvercle du logement de piles palanca de la tapa del compartimiento de las bater as C Lever levier palanca D Batteries piles bater a...

Page 48: ...utien technique ou le Service la client le Visiter www ryobitools com ou en t l phonant au 1 877 205 5714 Si des pi ces ou accessoires sont manquantes ou endommag es ne pas retourner ce produit au mag...
