Appendix B. SNMP Trap Summary
ROS® v3.11User Guide
Appendix B. SNMP Trap Summary
The switch generates the standard traps summarized in the following table.
• from IF-MIB: linkDown, linkUp
• from SNMPv2-MIB: authenticationFailure coldStart
• from BRIDGE-MIB: newRoot, topologyChage
• from RMON-MIB: risingAlarm, fallingAlarm
• from LLDP-MIB: lldpRemoteTablesChange
The switch also generates the proprietary traps which are summarized in this document with
their severity levels. These traps are described in the RC-TRAPS-MIB.
• genericTrap,
• powerSupplyTrap,
• swUpgradeTrap,
• cfgChangeTrap
• weakPasswordTrap
Generic Traps carry information about event in severity and description objects. They are
sent at the time that an alarm is generated for the device. The following are examples of
RuggedCom Generic Traps, along with the severity of each one in brackets:
• heap error (alert)
• NTP server failure (notification)
• real time clock failure (error)
• failed password (warning)
• MAC address not learned by switch fabric (warning)
• BootP client: TFTP transfer failure (error)
• received looped back BPDU (error)
• received two consecutive confusing BPDUs on port, forcing down (error)
• GVRP failed to learn – too many VLANs (warning)
The information about generic traps can be retrieved using CLI command alarms.
The switch generates the following traps on specific events:
• from RUGGEDCOM-STP-MIB: rcRstpNewTopology – generated after topology becomes
stable after a topology change occurs on a switch port.
• from RUGGEDCOM-POE-MIB: rcPoeOverheat and rcPoeOverload – generated by Power
over Ethernet (PoE) overheat and overload conditions, respectively. These traps are only
generated by RS900GP devices.