User Manual 1178.2796.02 ─ 01
7.3 Programming with GTSL Libraries
This example connects an external power supply to a load via TS-PSM4
channels 9 and 10. The power supply is connected to CH9_COM and
CH10_COM at the rear of the module TS-PSM4 and the load is connected
to CH9_NO and CH10_NO at the front of the module. The sense-lines of
the power supply are routed to the load via TS-PSM4 channels 1 and 2.
The current through channel 10 is determined indirectly by measuring
the voltage at the 5 mOhms shunt resistor of channel 10.
Later on, the load is set to standby mode and the low standby current
is measured directly via the ampere meter of TS-PSAM. Therefore
the power relay of channel 9 is opened and the standby current is
bypassed via matrix relays to the analog bus and TS-PSAM module.
Error handling is not considered in this sample in order to keep it
easy to read. The return status should be checked for "errorOccurred"
after each library call.
The following configuration files are used in this example:
Description = "TS-PSM4 Module in Frame 1 Slot 16"
Type = PSM4
ResourceDesc = CAN0::0::1::16
Frame = 1
Slot = 16
DriverDll = rspsm4.dll
DriverPrefix = rspsm4
DriverOption = "Simulate=0,RangeCheck=1"
SFTDll = sftmpsm4.dll
Description = "TS-PSAM Module in Frame 1 Slot 8"
Type = PSAM
ResourceDesc = PXI3::10::INSTR
Frame = 1
Slot = 8
DriverDll = rspsam.dll
DriverPrefix = rspsam
DriverOption = "Simulate=0,RangeCheck=1"
RioType = PDC
; Note: the self test DLL and prefix keywords must be removed for the
Programming with GTSL Libraries