Operating the Instrument
Getting Started 1179.4370.02 ─ 01
Table 6-3: Spot noise information result table
Measurement window that the spot noise has been calculated for.
(Only if there is more than one window containing a phase noise dia-
Offset frequency or spot noise position on the x-axis of the Phase
Noise diagram.
Noise [T<x>]
Measured noise on the spot noise position for each active trace.
Measurement Progress Information
The Phase Noise result display shows the progress of the measurement in a ser-
ies of green bars at the bottom of the diagram area. For each half decade in the
measurement, the R&S
FSPN adds a bar that spans the frequency range of the
corresponding half decade.
The bar has several features.
Measurement times less than 1
The numbers within the green bar indicate the number of cross-correlation
operations applied to the corresponding half decade.
Measurement times greater than 1
The numbers within the green bar show the progress of the cross-correlation
operations in the half decade the application currently works on.
The first number is the current, the second number the total count of cross-
correlations for that half decade. The bars of half decades in which a mea-
surement is still running has a lighter tone of green than bars of half decades
in which the measurement has already finished (see image below).
A double-click on the bar opens the "Noise Config" dialog box to define the
cross-correlation factor for that half decade.
A right-click on the bar opens a context menu.
Understanding the Display Information