Trying Out the Instrument
Getting Started 1326.1026.02 ─ 08
7. To return to the original scaling, try the [UNDO] key in the [NAVIGATION]
a) Press the [UNDO] key repeatedly until the original scaling is displayed.
b) Press the [REDO] key to retrace the undone steps. Thus, you can toggle
between the two displays using the undo and redo keys until you perform a
different action.
Instead of using the [UNDO] and [REDO] keys, you can tap the corre-
sponding icons on the toolbar.
If you use a Rohde
Schwarz active single-ended probe, you can measure the
DC component of the signal directly at the probe tip with the integrated R&S Pro-
1. On the "Vertical" menu, tap "Probe Setup".
2. Make sure that the correct channel is selected on the left tab.
3. In the "Additional" section, tap "ProbeMeter".
A result box shows the DC voltage measured by the R&S ProbeMeter.
Changing the Waveform Scaling and Position
Allice Messtechnik GmbH