M I D I S e t t i n g s
M u l t i t r a c k O F F
M a s t e r C h a n n e l
S e n d / R e c v
3. Turn the Alpha dial to select the division: PD, GT, or SW.
4. Turn the Select knob one more click to the right.
5. Rotate the Alpha dial to select Send/Receive, Receive, Send, or Off.
6. Press General Cancel to exit.
Note: Turning a manual’s Master Channel off prevents the organ from sending or receiving
notes or expression on that channel.
When sequencing or controlling another Rodgers console from the Rodgers T807, stop selections
are normally transmitted and received using MIDI System Exclusive messages. This allows the
stops selected during sequencing to play back accurately.
If desired, the organ stops may be controlled using MIDI Program Changes rather than System
Exclusive messages. These Program Changes control organ pistons rather than the individual
stops. The System Exclusive method normally offers the optimum control over registration,
since it does not require the organ pistons to be set up beforehand. The use of piston Program
Changes for stop control is most useful when controlling a Rodgers organ from a remote MIDI
keyboard or when controlling a second Rodgers console other than a Rodgers T807 via MIDI.
In the MIDI Master Channel menu item, Registration Send and Registration Receive settings
allow the organist to control the transmission and reception of System Exclusive (SysEx) Stop
Control messages and Piston Program Change messages. Settings in these menus are saved
when the organ is turned off.
Note: Piston Program Change messages are transmitted and received on the organ Master
Channels and should not be confused with the Program Change messages used to select sounds
from MIDI coupler pistons.
Selecting MIDI Registration Settings
1. Press and hold the SET piston, then turn the Select knob clockwise (right) to the MIDI
Settings category.
2. Turn the Select knob to display Registrations Send.
M I D I S e t t i n g s
R e g i s t r a t i o n s
S e n d
N o n e
R e c v N o n e