MIDI Sounds in Combination Pistons
Once a MIDI sound has been set on a MIDI coupler piston, the same Program Change number is
sent each time the coupler piston is activated. The sound is also saved on any combination piston
that includes that MIDI coupler piston.
Each MIDI coupler piston has a number of associated settings that may be changed in the
display. These settings along with the MIDI sound can be saved in a combination piston. Each
combination piston may include one or more MIDI coupler pistons. The MIDI coupler piston
settings can be saved at any time using the MIDI Save procedure. The saved settings are retained
when the organ is turned off.
Saving a MIDI Sound in a Combination Piston
A selected MIDI sound on a MIDI coupler piston can be saved on a General or Divisional
combination piston for immediate recall.
1. Select a MIDI sound on a MIDI coupler piston.
2. Press and hold the SET piston, then press the combination piston where the MIDI sound is to
be saved.
3. Release both pistons.
Note: Instead of saving, you may press and hold (0) and momentarily press SET to return MIDI
couplers to their last saved status. This also returns stop tab Voice Palette selections to their
MIDI Channel
Using the Rodgers T807 as a MIDI keyboard controller for sequencing may require channel
assignment of the MIDI GT A coupler piston. All other MIDI coupler pistons transmit on fixed
channels. To reset the transmit channel of MIDI GT A, perform the following procedure.
Assigning MIDI Channels
1. Hold the SET piston, then press MIDI GT A. The coupler piston flashes.
2. Turn the Select knob clockwise (right) until Channel 1 shows on the display.
M I D I C o u p l e r G T A
C h a n n e l
O c t a v e
V e l o c i t y
6 4
3. Rotate the Alpha dial to set the channel number (1 – 16).
4. Press either the flashing MIDI coupler piston or General Cancel to exit.
The channel number for MIDI GT A coupler piston can be saved in the settings on a combination
piston or saved permanently by performing the MIDI Save procedure.