: The Max Torque and the Stall Torque of Performance Graph are different in measurement
methods. Stall torque is a measured value of the momentary torque that it can reach. This is generally
how RC servos are measured. The Performance graph is also called as N-T curves, which is measured
with the gradually increasing load. The actual motor operation environment is closer to the performance
graph, not stall torque method. For this reason, the performance graph is broadly used in the industrial
field. Generally, Max Torque of the Performance Graph is less than the Stall Torque.
CAUTION : When supplying power
It is recommended using ROBOTIS controller or SMPS2DYNAMIXEL.
Do not connect or disconnect DYNAMIXEL when power is being supplied.
The Control Table is a structure of data implemented in the device. Users can read a specific Data to
get status of the device with Read Instruction Packets, and modify Data as well to control the device
with WRITE Instruction Packets.
2. 1. Control Table, Data, Address
The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status or to control the
device. Users can check current status of the device by reading a specific Data from the Control
Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the
device by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when
accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write