Status Return Level
Address 16 (0X10) It decides how to return Status Packet. There are three ways like the
below table.
Alarm LED
Address 17 (0X11) It shows an error status occurred during operation through LED.
Alarm LED is allocated with a bit according to each error content like the below table and
it flickers when the bit is set as 1 and the corresponding error occurs.
The function of each bit runs the logic of ‘OR’. That is to say, LED flickers even if 0X05
(binary 00000101) is set and Input Voltage Error or Overheating Error occurs. LED stops
flickering in two seconds when error occurs and is recovered to the normal state.
Return of Status Packet
No return against all instructions
Retrun only for the READ_DATA command
Return for all Instructions
When Instruction Packet is Broadcast ID, Status Packet is not returned
regardless of Status Return Level.
When Instruction Packet is Ping, Status Packet is returned regardless of
Status Return Level.
Bit 7
Bit 6 Instruction Error
When undefined Instruction is transmitted or the Action
command is delivered without the reg_write command
Bit 5 Overload Error
When the current load cannot be controlled with the set
maximum torque
Bit 4 Checksum Error
When the Checksum of the transmitted Instruction Packet is
Bit 3 Range Error
When the command is given beyond the range of usage
Bit 2 Overheating Error
When the internal temperature is out of the range of
operating temperature set in the Control Table
Bit 1 Angle Limit Error
When Goal Position is written with the value that is not
between CW Angle Limit and CCW Angle Limit
Bit 0 Input Voltage Error
When the applied voltage is out of the range of operating
voltage set in the Control Table