Operating Angle Limit
Address 6, 7, 8, 9 (0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09)
It represents the allowed range of
movement. The range for use is 0 to 1023 (0x3FF). Data 0 denotes 0° and Data 1023
(0X3FF) 300°. Thus, the angle per data value 1 is about 0.3°.
Highest Limit
Address 11 (0x0B) It is the highest limit of operating temperature. The range for use is
10 to 99 (0x10~0x63). If the internal temperature of RX-64 exceeds this range, Over
Heating Error Bit (Bit2) of Status Packet is returned as ‘1’ and Alarm is triggered as set in
the addresses 17 and 18. The value is equal to the actual Celsius temperature. In other
words, the initial value Data 80 (0x50) is 80
Do not set The Highest Limit Temperature of RX-64 above the initial value
of 80 .
If RX-64 is used at the temperature of 80 or higher, it may be
Lowest / Highest
Address 12, 13 (0x0C, 0x0D) It is the operation range of voltage. 50 to 250
(0x32 ~
Limit Voltage
0x96) can be used. If Present Voltage (Address42) is out of the range, Voltage Range
Error Bit (Bit0) of Status Packet is returned as ‘1’ and Alarm is triggered as set in the
addresses 17 and 18. Data value is 10 times larger than actual
For example, the
Lowest Limit Voltage Data of 80 means that the Lowest Limit Voltage is set as 8V.
Max Torque
Address 14, 15 (0x0E, 0x0F) It is the torque value of maximum output. 0 to 1023 (0x3FF)
can be used. The value set to ‘0’ means the Free Run state without torque. Max Torque
is allocated to EEPROM (Addresses 14 and 15) and RAM (Addresses 34 and 35). When
the power is turned on, EEPROM value is copied to RAM. In actual operation, the
maximum torque is restrained by Torque Limit (Addresses 34 and 35) located in RAM.
Data value represents the ratio of Torque output under the currently applied voltage. In
other words, Data 1023 (0x3FF) means that RX-64 will use 100% of the maximum
torque it can produce while Data 512 (0x200) means that RX-64 will use 50% of the
maximum torque. For stopping torque value according to the state of voltage of RX-64,
refer to “1-3 Specifications of RX-64”.