Data in RAM area is reset to the initial value whenever the power is turned on while data
in EEPROM area is kept once the value is set even if the power is turned off.
It represents the location of data. To read data from or write data to RX-64, the user
should assign an address where the data locates to Packet.
RX-64 has two
kinds of data: Read-only data, which is mainly used for sensing, and
Read-and-Write data, which is used for driving.
Initial Value
In case of data in the EEPROM Area, the initial values on the right side of the above
Control Table are the factory default settings. In case of data in the RAM Area, the initial
values on the right side of the above Control Table are the ones when the power is
turned on.
Highest/Lowest Byte
In the Control table, some data share the same name, but they are attached with (L) or
(H) at the end of each name to distinguish the address. This data requires 16bit, but it is
divided into 8bit each for the addresses (low) and (high). These two addresses should be
written with one Instruction Packet at the same time.