FT 300-SForce Torque Sensor - Instruction Manual
Fig. 1.3: FT 300-SForce Torque Sensor force and torque diagrams.
The figure above represents the various force and torques that the FT 300-SForce Torque Sensor can measure. Reference frame is
centered on the Sensor as shown above and visual inscriptions are also represented on it.
The Z axis passes through the center of the depression with positive direction in the tool direction.
The X axis traces a symmetric line centered on the connector; the positive direction points the opposite way away from the con-
The Y axis uses the right hand thumb rule according to X-Z.
It is important to understand that the FT 300-SForce Torque Sensor can be used either as a Modbus RTU slave or as a
streaming device. When use as a slave unit you will send status requests (read function) to get the force & moment
values, while when in data stream mode the Sensor will continuously stream data without responding to a master
request. Please refer to the Serial Communication section for details.