Robotiq 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper
Instruction Manual
Robotiq inc. © 2016
Command window
The Command window shows the requested action parameters for the Gripper node. Depending on the position, speed and force parameters, some
warning messages will appear. To edit the Gripper node, tap Edit action.
When the node is undefined, the Command window shows warning messages. Tap Edit action
to modify the Gripper’s action.
When the node requests the Gripper to move to a specific position, the Command window warns
that this should not be performed to pick an object.
For positioning and partial movement of the hand, moving to a position is correct.
To pick an object, use the close (or open) actions along with the object detection feature.
Gripper activation
The Gripper needs to be activated before it can receive a command. To do so, use the rq_activate_and_wait() function script at the beginning of
the program or activate with the Gripper toolbar.