Robotiq 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper
Instruction Manual
Robotiq inc. © 2016
Re-grasp :
Re-grasp feature is a built-in feature meant to prevent object lost due to slipping or inaccurate initial grip. The Re-grasp feature will allow the Gripper to
initiate movement when an object is slipping or dropped. When Re-grasping, the Gripper will attempt to close until it reaches the position (rPR) request.
This feature is automatically set according to the force request rFR.
Re-grasp will keep the position setting :
Finger motion will stop when
position is reached, even if there is no object.
Force and speed settings are not used, Re-grasp force and speed will automatically adjust to keep the object from being lost / dropped.
Feature is off at force request
= 0, otherwise it is on.
While your initial settings for force and speed are not used for Re-grasp, they will never be exceeded to prevent damaging the part.