Robotiq 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper
Instruction Manual
Robotiq inc. © 2016
Gripper operation window
Primary icon
Secondary icon
2-Finger Gripper
Tap to toggle between expand and collapse the 2-Finger Gripper toolbar. When grey, the
functionality is not available.
Tap to fully open the Gripper.
Emergency open
Tap to fully close the Gripper.
Emergency close
Shows the actual position of the Gripper:
0% : fully open
100% : fully closed
Shows the actual speed set of the Gripper:
0% : minimum speed
100% : maximum speed
Shows the actual force set of the Gripper:
0% : minimum force, regrasp feature disabled
1% : minimum force, with regrasp feature enabled
100% : maximum force, with regrasp feature enabled
Tap to increase the associated parameter.
Tap to decrease the associated parameter.
Icon shown when no object is detected during a grasp.
The icon shows a green checkmark when an object is detected during a grasp.