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Be sure to read right through these safety notes before you use
the system for the first time. 
If you are new to radio-controlled model aircraft, helicopters,
cars or boats, we recommend that you ask an experienced
modeller for help.

Experience with helicopters can be obtained through reading
specialist literature, practising with a flight simulator, or enrol-
ling at a model flying training centre. Electronic aids such as
attitude stabilisers are also available; these can help a begin-
ner to operate such models.

Radio-controlled models are not toys or playthings in the usual
meaning of the term, and they should only be operated by
young people under 14 years if an experienced adult is availa-
ble to supervise them.
Building and operating these models requires technical experti-
se, manual skills, a careful attitude and safety-conscious beha-

Errors, negligence and omissions in building or operating these
models can result in serious personal injury and damage to pro-
The manufacturer and vendor of the equipment have no means
of checking that the models are built and operated correctly,
and for this reason we can do no more than expressly bring
these hazards to your attention. We deny all further liability.
Propellers, helicopter rotors and any other rotating object which
is driven by a motor represent a constant hazard and a potenti-
al source of injury.

Avoid touching such parts at all costs. It is sobering to think
that a propeller turning at high speed could cut off your finger.

Whenever an electric motor is connected to a drive battery,
never stand in or close to the primary danger area of the pro-
peller or other rotating parts.
Take care to keep all other objects from making contact with
revolving parts.
Protect your radio control system from dust, dirt and damp.
Do not subject your equipment to excessive heat, cold or vibra-
Radio control systems should only be used in "normal" condi-
tions, i.e. within the recommended temperature range.

Use recommended battery chargers only, and do not charge
your batteries for longer than the stated periods.
Read and observe the information supplied by the battery manu-
Overcharging or incorrect charging methods can cause batte-
ries to explode.

Maintain correct polarity at all times.
Check your system regularly for damage to cases and wiring.
If a unit is damaged in a crash, or gets wet, it should not be
used again even after you have dried it out thoroughly.
The only safe course of action is to replace damaged equip-
ment, or at least have it checked by a robbe Service Centre.
Faults caused by damp or crash-induced shock may not be
obvious to the layman, but after a short period of further use
they may cause terminal failure.

Please use only the components and accessories which we
expressly recommend.
Always use genuine robbe-Futaba connectors and original
robbe-Futaba plug-in crystals.
It is not permissible to make modifications of any kind to the RC
system components.

Routine pre-flight checks

If there are several modellers at your site, ensure that yours is the
only transmitter on "your" frequency before you switch on your

Always extend the transmitter aerial fully before operating
your model, and check that it is firmly screwed into its sok-

Ensure that the throttle stick is at stop / idle before you
switch on the receiver.

Always switch on the transmitter first, then the receiver.

Always switch off the receiver first, then the transmitter.

Carry out a range check before the flight or run.

Have you selected the correct model memory?

Check all the working systems. Ensure that the control sur-
faces respond to the stick commands in the correct "sense"
(right stick = right rudder etc.), and that the travels are as

Are all the mixer functions and switches set correctly?

Are the batteries sufficiently charged?

If you are not sure of any point - don’t fly!

Operating the model

Never fly above spectators or other pilots.

Do not fly in any way which could endanger humans or

Never operate your model close to high-tension overhead
cables or residential areas.

Don’t operate your model in the vicinity of canals, locks or
other public shipping routes.

You must not operate your model from public roads, motor-
ways, paths, squares etc.

Never operate your equipment in stormy weather.

If you encounter problems, do not fly or drive again until you
have found the cause and eliminated it. Sudden changes in
flight characteristics are a reliable indicator of a problem.

Don’t "point" the transmitter aerial straight at the model when
The signal generated by the transmitter is at its weakest in an
imaginary line extending from the aerial. It is always best if the
long side of the aerial points towards the model.
If several radio control systems are in use at the same time on
adjacent channels, the drivers or pilots should always stand
together in a loose group.

Pilots who insist on standing away from the group endanger
their own model as well as those of other pilots.


To operate models you will need to extend the cover of your exi-
sting policy of the standard personal third-party insurance poli-
cy or take out a specific policy.
Check your insurance policy and take out a new one if neces-

Liability exclusion

robbe Modellsport are not in a position to influence the way you
install, operate and maintain the radio control system compo-
For this reason we are obliged to deny all liability for loss, dama-
ge or costs which are incurred due to the incompetent or incor-
rect use and operation of our products, or which are connected
with such operation in any way.

Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the obligation of the com-
pany to pay compensation is limited to the invoice value of the
robbe products which were immediately and directly involved in
the event which caused the damage.

This does not apply if robbe is found to be subject to unlimited
liability according to binding legal regulation on account of deli-
berate or gross negligence.

Safety notes


Summary of Contents for Sopwith Pub 3126

Page 1: ...Montageanleitung Assembly instructions Notice de montage Sopwith Pup No 3126 ...

Page 2: ...Sicherheitshinweise im Anhang Seiten 9 11 beachten Please read the Safety Notes in the appendix pages 9 11 Observer les consignes de sécurité fournies en annexe page 9 11 2 ...

Page 3: ...commend that you apply 35 40 Expo to the flying controls Power system A direct drive brushless out runner motor can be installed in the Flyball Select a suitable motor and speed controller before you start building the model and fit suitable connectors to both items Essential items not included in the kit No off Description Order No 3 FS 31 Pico servo 8449 1 Roxxy 2815 BL out runner motor 4777 1 R...

Page 4: ...Fig 1 Cut out the ailerons along the marked lines Fig 5 the holes in the doublers for the undercarriage must be at the rear see arrow Fig 6 Bend the torsion bar undercarriage to the shape shown in the drawing on page 5 Attention Fig 1 Détacher les ailerons en fonction des repères Fig 5 les trous destinés aux atterrisseurs dans les renforts doivent se trouver à l arrière cf flèche Fig 6 Cintrer l a...

Page 5: ...otice de montage Sopwith Pub 5 Nach der Montage am Modell abwinkeln und Spur ausrichten Bend the wire ends after attaching the legs to the model Check that the wheels track correctly Après le montage cintrer sur le modèle et établir le carrossage ...

Page 6: ...bande courte Bild 12 Vier Holzdübel zuschneiden anspitzen und in die Querruder einkleben Fig 12 Cut four pieces of wooden dowel to length sharpen one end of each and glue them in the ailerons Fig 12 Couper quatre chevilles en bois à la taille indiquée les tailler en pointe et les coller dans les ailerons ...

Page 7: ...n erhitzen Hülsen in die Räder einkleben Die Räder mit Schrumpfschlauch sichern Figs 13 14 Set the servos to neutral and move the control surfaces to centre The control surfaces are connected to the servos using carbon fibre pushrods and heat shrink sleeves When completing the aileron linkages please note set the aileron servo to neutral and connect the pushrod to the servo output arm Install the ...

Page 8: ...l surface travels at the transmitter and check that they all move in the correct sense Keep well clear of the area around the propeller s rotational plane The O rings which secure the propeller should be checked for damage at regular intervals Fig 20 agencer le récepteur le variateur et l accu avec des morceaux de bande Velcro de telle sorte que le centre de gravité de trouve 10 mm à l ar rière du...

Page 9: ...taba Steckquarze An den Fernsteueranlagen dürfen keinerlei Veränderungen vor genommen werden Routineprüfungen vor dem Start Befinden sich mehrere Modellsportler am Platz vergewissern Sie sich vorher dass Sie allein auf Ihrem Kanal senden ehe Sie Ihren Sender einschalten Die Senderantenne immer ganz ausziehen und auf festen Sitz prüfen Bevor Sie den Empfänger einschalten vergewissern Sie sich dass ...

Page 10: ... make modifications of any kind to the RC system components Routine pre flight checks If there are several modellers at your site ensure that yours is the only transmitter on your frequency before you switch on your transmitter Always extend the transmitter aerial fully before operating your model and check that it is firmly screwed into its sok ket Ensure that the throttle stick is at stop idle b...

Page 11: ...commande Contrôles de routine avant le démarrage ou le décollage Si plusieurs modélistes opèrent sur la piste s assurer que le canal utilisé est le seul avant de mettre l ensemble de radiocom mande en marche Tirer toujours systématiquement l antenne de l émetteur à fond et en contrôler l assise Avant de mettre le récepteur en marche s assurer que le manche des gaz se trouve en position arrêt ralen...

Page 12: ...hmigung der robbe Modellsport GmbH Co KG Errors and omissions excepted Modifications reserved Copyright robbe Modellsport 2006 Copying and re printing in whole or in part only with prior written approval of robbe Modellsport GmbH Co KG Sous réserve de d erreur et de modification technique Copyright robbe Modellsport 2006 Copie et reproduction même d extraits interdites sans autorisation écrite exp...
