Heating and Cooling
© 2015 by Roadtrek, Inc.
Alde Floor Heat Bypass
The Alde system provides cabin heat through two radiators, one under the power sofa and one on the side door step by the
second row passenger side seat. The floor is also heated. To reduce the amount of heat suplied through the floor system,
open the lid under the cushion of the passenger side ottoman directly behind the bathroom, and look for a red handled valve
on the floor. When this valve's handle is sideways across the line, the Alde unit supplies full floor heat. To reduce floor heat,
turn the valve 90 degrees so that it is parallel to the line (pointing from the front to the back of the vehicle). Some floor heat
will still be produced, but most of the Alde's heated glycol fluid will go through the shunt, bypassing the coils in the floor.
water system. The system relies on heat from the floor to maintain the temperature of the water lines below the floor. If
you operate your TS Adventurous in below-freezing temperatures, always leave the Alde unit turned on and this valve
with the handle sideways across the line.
Alde radiator cover on side step
Valve to adjust floor heat, in full floor
heat position