Glossary 111
1,024 kilobytes.
1,048,576 bits or about 128 kilobytes.
Operating system
A program that supervises the computer's operation, including handling I/O.
Application programs and users can request operating-system services. A user
might request operation-system services to copy files or format a disk. An
application program might use the operating system to obtain keyboard input,
write data to a file, or write data to a screen.
PC Card
PC Card stands for personal computer card. The Personal Computer Memory
Card International Association (PCMCIA) defines the standards used to develop
all PC Cards. PC Card types include: modems, Ethernet adapters, SCSI adapters,
ATA cards, and memory cards.
PC slot
The PC slot is the hardware slot in the computer where the PC Card is placed.
A pixel is an individual dot in a graphic displayed on your computer. The pixels
are so close together that they look as though they are connected. An LCD screen
displays thousands or millions of pixels.
Plug and Play
A plug and play operating system automatically configures computer components
to work with your system. With this type of operating system, you normally do
not need to set jumpers on devices or set memory addresses or IRQs.
POST stands for power-on self-test. POST is a test performed by the computer
whenever you turn on the power. POST checks system integrity.
RAM (random access memory)
The computer's system memory, including conventional and extended memory.
You can write to and read from RAM. Information stored in RAM is temporary,
and is erased when the system is turned off.