CMC III general
How many sensors can be connected to each CMC III Processing Unit and CMC III
Processing Unit Compact?
The maximum number of sensors that can be connected is 32 per CMC III Processing Unit
and 4 per CMC III Processing Unit Compact. This number, however, does not apply to every
sensor and differs depending on the sensor type. An overview of the maximum number of
sensors that can be connected to each Processing Unit is provided on page 549 in System
Catalogue 35. Alternatively, the CMC III Sales Tool used as product configurator can also be
downloaded from
What system characteristics does my computer need in order to be able to operate the
Apart from a standard Web browser, no special software is needed. Rittal recommends that
you should always use the most up-to-date browser version. We also recommend using
Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, because Internet Explorer is unable to replicate all of the
system's functions.
Can I represent multiple CMC III systems on a user interface?
The representation of multiple CMC III systems on a user interface requires an additional
system. To obtain such an overview, the CMC values must be included in a management
software. For this purpose, Rittal offers the "RiZone" Data Centre Infrastructure Management
(DCIM) software that automatically detects all Rittal components. Further information about
"RiZone" can be found on our homepage using the following link:
How can the CMC III data be included in other systems?
As of software version V3.11.00, the CMC III supports the two standard protocols
"SNMPv1/2c/3" and "OPC-UA" and from software version V3.15.00 the standard protocol
"Modbus/TCP". These protocols can be used to query data via the network and make the
data available to higher-level management systems. The MIB for SNMP can be downloaded
download area. Such a file is not
required for OPC-UA because the component detection is controlled automatically by the
protocol. When using Modbus/TCP, the CMC III system must already be fully configured and
operational, in order to be able to download a list of variables from the live system via FTP.
The list of variables can be downloaded out of the folder /downloads/docs and has the file
name “ModbusMap.cmc3”.
Can the CMC III data also be transferred via BACnet or Modbus?
CMC III supports only SNMPv1/2c/3, OPC-UA and Modbus/TCP. The BACnet protocol is not
implemented. Modbus/TCP may be used via the network interface, but Modbus/RTU is not
supported. If a connection using other protocols is required, a third-party protocol converter
must be used to convert the data from SNMP, OPC-UA or Modbus/TCP to the associated
protocol. This service is not provided by Rittal and must be performed by the associated user
or service provider.