created in the same directory, in which is written the state of the upload of the certificate and
if the new one is used. The file is named “https.crt.status” and can be opened with a standard
text-editor program.
These steps are logged in the internal CMC III logging, which can be found also on the
website or via FTP/SFTP.
The following example shows how a certificate is created for the CMC III on a Linux system
with OpenSSL:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1825 -subj /C=DE/L=Herborn/OU="Rittal GmbH & Co.
KG" -newkey rsa:2048 -md5 -keyout rittalcmc.ssl -out rittalcmc.ssl
The softwareversion 3.15.20_10 and newer supports also certificates with a certification
The Login with Internet Explorer is not possible because the buttons are inactive,
although if I use the newest version. Which configurations should be done?
The Internet Explorer has in the later versions an option which is called compatibility mode,
to show websites in an internal network (intranet sites) without any configuration changes.
For the website of the CMC III, the latest version of the Explorer must be used and the
compatibility mode causes the problem with inactive buttons and has to be deactivated.
The compatibility mode can be deactivated in general for all intranet sites. Click on the
configruation button of the Internet Explorer in the right topper corner (gear symbol). Go to
“Compatibility View settings” and deactivate the option “Display intranet sites in Compatibility