Charts (record of measured values)
Can I save the measurements from a CMC III system?
From software version V3.13.00 and above, measured values can be saved on an external
SD card or USB stick. This function is not supported by the CMC III PU Compact. Up to 16
files may be defined, each containing 6 values (a maximum total of 96 values per CMC III
PU). Both analog values (e.g. temperature) and status variables (e.g. door open/closed) may
be recorded. However, setpoints and fixed information values (such as serial numbers)
cannot be selected.
At what intervals are values recorded in the system memory?
The intervals are individually configurable between 5 seconds and 86,400 seconds (= 1 day).
This means that a value is only ever recorded at these set intervals. If the value changes
very briefly, e.g. a peak for 1-2 seconds, it may be registered by the CMC but not recorded,
because it occurs between the two preset times for recording by the system.
How can I display the saved values?
The last 5,000 values are displayed in a chart on the CMC III website. You can scroll and
zoom in the chart using buttons.
Use the mouse to select a point within the chart. The values measured by the system at this
point will be displayed at the side edge.
What happens if I reboot the system?
If the system is rebooted, no values will be recorded during this period. As soon as the
CMC III is operational again, recording will continue. On the website, this period will be
indicated by an empty bar in the chart.
Can I download and edit the measurements from the system?
The values are stored as a ".CSV" file on the SD card or USB stick. This .csv file may be
downloaded from the CMC III at any time via FTP. Alternatively, the data carrier can also be
ejected via the website, removed, and read on a PC.
This .csv file format is easily integrated into a data processing system. The CMC III user
manual includes a step-by-step account of how to import this type of data into Microsoft
Excel, for example.
How many measurement points in total may be stored in each file?
There are no fixed limits to the number of measurement points. Instead, this depends on a
number of variables, such as how many measurements are to be saved per chart, at which
intervals etc. The maximum number of measurement points also depends on the size of the
SD-card. The values are stored in separate files for each chart which can have a maximum
size of 100 MB each. If the size of the file exceeds this, the current file is saved in the backup
folder in an own directory and a new file is created. This procedure is repeated until the
maximum size of the SD-card is reached. It is recommended to empty the backup-folder at
regular intervals.