Table of contents
Table of contents ................................................................................................................. 1
Notes on these FAQ
– CMC III ............................................................................................ 5
CMC III general .................................................................................................................... 6
How many sensors can be connected to each CMC III Processing Unit and CMC III
Processing Unit Compact? ................................................................................................ 6
What system characteristics does my computer need in order to be able to operate the
CMC III? ............................................................................................................................ 6
Can I represent multiple CMC III systems on a user interface? .......................................... 6
How can the CMC III data be included in other systems? .................................................. 6
Can the CMC III data also be transferred via BACnet or Modbus? .................................... 6
Can the messages from several CMC III systems be sent using a single GSM/ISDN unit? 7
Is the 3124.200 interface card for cooling units with Comfort controller compatible to the
CMC III? ............................................................................................................................ 7
Can I use a standard CMC III PU for installation in a LCP or in a RiMatrix S? Will
modifications need to be made to the firmware? ................................................................ 7
Which SD cards and USB sticks can be used? .................................................................. 7
Is it possible to connect a camera to the CMC III? ............................................................. 7
Which Data Encryption Standard is used for the network communication? ........................ 8
CMC III software configuration ........................................................................................... 9
How do I define an alarm? The alarming as e-mail or SMS does not function correctly,
what can be the reason? ................................................................................................... 9
After selecting a sensor and clicking on "Alarm Configuration", no values for selection are
listed in the window. How can I rectify this? ..................................................................... 10
What is the difference between a "virtual device" and a "task"? ....................................... 11
How many messages can the CMC III store in the logging? ............................................ 11
Can the logging messages be deleted? ........................................................................... 11
Can a system configuration be saved and recreated on another device? ........................ 11
How do I save/copy the configuration of a CMC III system onto another system? ........... 12
Is it possible to copy a company-own certificate to the CMC III for encrypted
communication? .............................................................................................................. 12
The Login with Internet Explorer is not possible because the buttons are inactive, although
if I use the newest version. Which configurations should be done? ................................. 13