4 Operation
Rittal Perforex BC machining centre
Place the main switch on the enclosure to "I".
The safety light arrays monitor the safety area in front of the ma-
chine. After program start, they are active so that the machine
goes to EMERGENCY STOP on entry to the safety area.
4.2.2 Machine calibration
The axis drives are equipped with servomotors as resolver technology. Be-
cause the resolvers lose the current traversal positions after power failure or
switching off the main switch, the complete system must be calibrated during
the commissioning. The machine zero point lies in the X direction at the left-
hand side limit, in the Y direction at the support bracket and in the Z direction
at the bolt surface (= workpiece contact surface). It applies to the rear sur-
face of the tool inserts.
Place the main switch on the enclosure to "I".
After switching on the main switch, start up the controller and the PC. The
graphical user interface appears on the screen.
Press the "OPERATION ON" push-button (control voltage as well as servo
controller "On").
The illuminated push-buttons now illuminate and the axis drives are in
closed-loop control. The axes can now be homed in accordance with the in-
The safety area is activated when the machine becomes opera-
tional. The EMERGENCY STOP status is activated immediately
when the safety area is entered. This must be prevented, in par-
ticular, for calibration, because otherwise incorrect calibration
values are transferred. In this case, the complete calibration
must be repeated.
If one of the drives is at the limit position (limit switch), this is
shown on the screen and the calibration fails. In this case, move
the spindle with the <+ or -> key until the limit switch becomes
4.2.3 Prerequisites for program start
1. The positions of the spacer bolts must be correct, i.e. the workpiece size
and the machining task are adapted.
2. The required tools must be mounted and stored in the tool file of the con-
3. The appropriate machining programs must be entered.
The safety area is activated as soon as the machine moves. EMERGENCY
STOP is activated immediately on entry.
Ensure that the tool data in the controller matches the actual