Test Procedures
Before test, disconnect the instrument from all the signal generators and keep the noise
sources away from the instrument.
1. Press
on the front panel to restore the oscilloscope to the default
2. Click or tap the channel label at the bottom of the screen to activate CH1. The
"Vertical" system menu is displayed. Click or tap to select 50 Ω for Impedance to
set the input impedance of CH1 to 50 Ω. By default, the probe ratio is "1X".
3. Set the vertical scale to 1 mV/div, and the bandwidth limit will be enabled
automatically to 20 MHz.
4. By default, the acquisition mode is Normal; the horizontal timebase is 5 ns/div; the
memory depth is 10 Kpts.
5. Click or tap the trigger information label at the top of the screen. Set Source to
6. In the Measure menu, click or tap Vertical measurement item to select "AC.RMS".
The AC. RMS measurement result list is displayed at the right section of the screen.
7. Click or tap the result list, then select Setting. Set Count to 100.
8. When the statistics count in the result list shows 100, read and record the AC.RMS
9. For the parameter setting, refer to
. Repeat Step 1-7 and test the
AC.RMS value for different vertical scale, bandwidth, and impedance. The test
results should be smaller than the max. value in the record form.
Test Record Form
Vertical Scale
Test Result
50 Ω
1 mV/div
20 MHz
400 μV
500 μV
2 mV/div
20 MHz
400 μV
500 μV
Performance Verification Test
DS70000 Performance Verification
Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.