a. Set the vertical scale to 2 mV/div, 5 mV/div, 10 mV/div, 20 mV/div, 50 mV/div,
100 mV/div, 200 mV/div, 500 mV/div, 1 V/div, 2 V/div, 5 V/div, and 10 V/div
b. Adjust the output voltage of Fluke 9500B to 3 × the current vertical scale and -3
× the current vertical scale respectively.
c. Repeat Step 3-7 and record the test results.
d. Calculate the relative error of each vertical scale: |(Vavg1 - Vavg2) - (Vout1 -
Vout2)|/Full Scale × 100%.
10. Turn off CH1. Test the relative error of each scale of CH2, CH3, and CH4
respectively using the method above and record the test results.
DC gain accuracy test when the input impedance is 50 Ω
1. Connect the active head of Fluke 9500B to CH1 of the oscilloscope, as shown in the
figure above.
2. Turn on Fluke 9500B; set its impedance to 50 Ω.
3. Output a DC signal with +3 mV
voltage (Vout1).
4. Configure the oscilloscope:
a. Turn on CH1.
b. Set the probe attenuation ratio to "1X".
c. Set the input impedance of CH1 to 50 Ω.
d. Set the vertical scale to 1 mV/div.
e. Set the horizontal timebase to 1 μs/div.
f. Set the vertical offset to 0.
g. In the Horizontal system menu, select "Average" for the Acquisition menu.
Then click or tap the input field for the Averages menu item to set it by using
the pop-up numeric keypad. Set the number of averages to 32.
h. Adjust the trigger level to avoid that the signals are being triggered by mistake.
Performance Verification Test
DS70000 Performance Verification
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