Operation, indication, diagnostics
Tab. U
Loc 10
Error not relatable (application), internal error
Wiring error or internal error, output contacts, other faults
Loc 12
Valve proving
Fuel valve 1 leak
Loc 13
Valve proving
Fuel valve 2 leak
Loc 14
POC error
Error valve closure control POC
Loc 20
Gas pressure switch min open
Gas shortage
Loc 22
Safety loop open
Gas pressure switch-max open
Safety limit thermostat cut out
Loc 60
Analog power source 4...20 mA, I < 4 mA
Wire breakage
Loc: 83
Faulty PWM fan
PWM fan does not reach the target speed within the pre-
set period of time, or
After reaching the target speed, the PWM fan leaves the
tolerance band again (P650) for a time exceeding the tol-
erance time speed deviation (P660)
Loc 138
Restore process successful
Restore process successful
Loc 139
No program module detected
No program module identified
Loc 167
Manual locking
Manual locking
Loc: 206
AZL2... incompatible
Use the latest version
Loc: 225
Faulty PWM fan
Fan speed dropped below the minimum prepurge PWM
(P675.00) after reaching the prepurge speed, or
After reaching the ignition load speed, the maximum ig-
nition load PWM (P675.01) was exceeded
Loc: 226
Faulty PWM fan
Parameterization error:
Speed low-fire > speed high-fire, or
Low-fire = 0 rpm, or
Maximum speed = 0 rpm
Loc: 227
Faulty PWM fan
One or several parameters violate the minimum/maximum
rSt Er1
Error in compatibility program module to basic unit during re-
store process
Program sequence of program module does not
match the basic unit
rSt Er2
Error in compatibility program module to basic unit during re-
store process
Hardware of basic unit does not match the program module
rSt Er3
Error during the restore process
Program module faulty
Program module removed during restore process
Error code
Clear text
Possible cause