page 62 / 84 0MLMHTM30RUENUA
Press the following sequence of keys to access the menu: 5
During operation from the basic menu, the operator can permanently disable or re-enable the audible alarm (buzzer) by
pressing key 5. "5=ON" is shown in the basic menu when the audible alarm is enabled and "5=OFF" when the audible
alarm is disabled. Key 5 in other menus may only be used to disable the sound, when no other functions are envisaged
for this key. The command is stored even during a shutdown due to a power failure.
6.1.8 "CLOCK": DATE/TIME (key 6)
Press the following sequence of keys to access the menu: 6
The "DATE/TIME" menu is accessed via key 6 from the basic menu.
The display shows the current contents of the internal calendar and clock with the following format:
DATE/TIME = ymd/h = years, months, days / hours, minutes, seconds.
The contents can be modified via the menu by inserting the personalization code 436215. This code remains active for
2 minutes after it has been inserted.
The next menu can only be accessed by inserting the correct code, otherwise the system returns to the basic menu.
Press keys 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to select which value to change.
DATE/TIME = Xmg/h = 2003 12 31/24:60'60
ADJUSTMENT: 7=-, 8=+
In this case the year’s value is to be changed; the flashing symbol X superimposed over the letter shows which field has
been selected. Press keys 7 or 8 to decrease or increase the selected value by one unit; press any one of the other keys to
exit the menu.
6.1.9 "ARROW DOWN": Internal Codes, firmware ver.(key 7)
Press the following sequence of keys to access the menu: 7
The "INTERNAL CODES" menu is accessed from the basic menu via key
. The codes represented provide
information on the operating status of the UPS and about system firmware version. This information is used by the
service personnel.
Pushing more key 7 it is shown the page with information about other firmware version, serial number and service
telephone number.
200kVA 277V 3L 60Hz [15:35:55]
System: Ver.= 28, rev= 1, ck=A404
Panel: Ver.= 01, rev= 1, ck=B235
DSP: Ver.=3333, rev= 0, ck=1ABC
Serial N.= ML36AP183410001
Dial Tel.= 0201010101010
U200AA OUT= 40%VA, Batt= 35% 5=0N