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Zweistrangsystem (A)

Der Brenner verfŸgt Ÿber eine selbstansau-
gende Pumpe und kann sich daher, innerhalb
der Grenzen der seitlich abgebildeten Tabelle,
selbst versorgen. 
Tank hšher als der Brenner 


Die Strecke P sollte nicht hšher als  10 m sein,
damit das Dichtungsorgan der Pumpe nicht
Ÿberlastet wird, und die Strecke V sollte 4 m
nicht Ÿberschreiten, damit die Selbsteinschal-
tung der Pumpe auch bei fast leerem Tank
mšglich ist.
Tank niedriger 


Der Pumpenunterdruck von  0,45 bar (35 cm
Hg) darf nicht Ÿberschritten werden. Bei hšhe-
ren Unterdruckwerten werden Gase des Brenn-
stoffs befreit; die Pumpe entwickelt mehr
GerŠusche und ihre Haltbarkeit wird beein-
Es empÞehlt sich, die RŸcklaußeitung auf der-
selben Hšhe wie die Ansaugleitung ankommen
zu lassen; das Abkuppeln der Ansaugleitung ist


Sie besteht aus einer Leitung, die von und zum
Tank fŸhrt, in der eine Hilfspumpe den Brenn-
stoff unter Druck ßie§en lŠ§t. Eine Abzweigung
des Kreises speist den Brenner. Diese Schal-
tung ist nŸtzlich, wenn die Brennerpumpe sich
nicht selbst speisen kann, weil Abstand und/
oder Hšhe vom Tank grš§er sind als die in der
Tabelle aufgefŸhrten Werte.


H = Hšhenunterschied Pumpe/Bodenventil
L = LeitungslŠnge
¯ = Innendurchmesser Leitung
1 = Brenner
2 = Pumpe
3 = Filter
4 = Manuelles Sperrventil
5 = Ansaugleitung
6 = Bodenventil
7 = Manuelles Schnellschlie§ventil mit Fern-

steuerung (nur Italien)

8 = Sperrmagnetventil (nur Italien)
9 = RŸcklaußeitung
10 = RŸckschlagventil (nur Italien)




Die Pumpen verfŸgen Ÿber einen Bypass, der
RŸcklauf und Ansaugung miteinander verbindet.
Sie sind am Brenner installiert und der Bypass
ist mit der Schraube 6)(B)S.22 verschlossen.
Beide SchlŠuche sind demnach an die Pumpe
Wird die Pumpe bei geschlossenem RŸcklauf
betrieben und die Bypass-Schraube eingesetzt,
wird sie sofort beschŠdigt.
Die  Verschlu§schrauben von den Saug- und
RŸcklaufanschlŸssen der Pumpe abnehmen.
An deren Stelle die SchlŠuche mit den beige-
packten Dichtungen einbauen. 
Beim Einbau dŸrfen diese SchlŠuche nicht ver-
bogen werden.
Die SchlŠuche sind so zu fŸhren, da§ sie weder
Trittbelastungen noch warmen Kesselteilen
ausgesetzt werden.
Anschlie§end das andere Schlauchende mit
den Ansaug- und RŸcklaußeitungen durch die
mitgelieferten Nippeln verbinden.





Double-pipe circuit (A)

The burner is equipped with a self-priming pump
which is capable of feeding itself within the limits
listed in the table at the side.  
The tank higher than the burner 


Distance "P" must not exceed 10 meters in
order to avoid subjecting the pump's seal to
excessive strain; distance "V" must not exceed 4
meters in order to permit pump self-priming
even when the tank is almost completely empty.
The tank lower than the burner 


Pump depression values higher than 0.45 bar
(35 cm Hg) must not be exceeded because at
higher levels gas is released from the fuel, the
pump starts making noise and its working life-
span decreases.
It is good practice to ensure that the return and
suction lines enter the burner from the same
height; in this way it will be less probable that
the suction line fails to prime or stops priming.

The loop circuit

A loop circuit consists of a loop of piping depar-
ting from and returning to the tank with an auxi-
liary pump that circulates the fuel under
pressure. A branch connection from the loop
goes to feed the burner. This circuit is extremely
useful whenever the burner pump does not suc-
ceed in self-priming because the tank distance
and/or height difference are higher than the
values listed in the Table.


H = Pump/foot valve height difference
L = Piping length
¯ = Inside pipe diameter
1 = Burner
2 = Pump
3 = Filter
4 = Manual on/off valve
5 = Suction line
6 = Foot valve
7 = Rapid closing manual valve remote con-

trolled (only Italy)

8 = On/off solenoid valve (only Italy)
9 = Return line
10 = Check valve (only Italy)




The pumps are equipped with a by-pass that
connects return line with suction line. The
pumps are installed on the burner with the by-
pass closed by screw 6)(B)p.22.
It is therefore necessary to connect both hoses
to the pump.
The pump will break down immediately if it is run
with the return line closed and the by-pass
screw inserted.
Remove the plugs from the suction and return
connections of the pump.
Insert the hose connections with the supplied
seals into the connections and screw them
Take care that the hoses are not stretched or
twisted during installation.
Install the hoses where they cannot be stepped
on or come into contact with hot surfaces of the
Now connect the other end of the hoses to the
suction and return lines by using the supplied





Circuit ˆ double tuyau (A)

Le bržleur est muni d'une pompe ˆ aspiration
automatique et par consŽquent, dans les limites
indiquŽes dans le tableau ci-contre, il est en
mesure de s'alimenter tout seul. 
Cuve situŽe plus haut que le bržleur 


Il faut que que la cote P ne dŽpasse pas 10 m
pour ne pas trop solliciter l'organe d'ŽtanchŽitŽ
de la pompe et que la cote V ne dŽpasse pas 4
m pour permettre l'auto-amor•age de la pompe
m•me avec la cuve presque vide.
Cuve situŽe plus bas que le bržleur 


On ne doit pas dŽpasser une dŽpression de
0,45 bar (35 cm Hg) dans la pompe.  Avec une
dŽpression plus grande, des gaz se dŽgagent
du combustible; la pompe devient bruyante et
elle dure moins longtemps.
Nous conseillons de faire arriver le tuyau de
retour ˆ la m•me hauteur que le tuyau d'aspira-
tion;   le dŽsamor•age du tuyau d'aspiration est
plus difÞcile.

Circuit en anneau

Il est constituŽ d'un conduit partant de la cuve et
y revenant dans lequel une pompe auxiliaire fait
circuler le combustible sous pression. Une dŽri-
vation de l'anneau alimente le bržleur. Ce circuit
est utile quand la pompe du bržleur ne parvient
pas ˆ s'auto-alimenter parce que la distance et/
ou la diffŽrence de niveau avec la cuve sont
supŽrieures aux valeurs donnŽes dans le


H = Diff. niveau pompe-clapet de pied
L = Longueur tuyau
¯ = Diam•tre interne tuyau
1 = Bržleur
2 = Pompe
3 = Filtre
4 = Soupape manuelle d'arr•t
5 = Conduit d'aspiration
6 = Clapet de pied
7 = Vanne manuelle ˆ  fermeture rapide avec

commande ˆ distance (uniquement pour

8 = Electrovanne d'arr•t (uniquement pour


9 = Conduit de retour
10 = Vanne de retenue (uniquement pour l'Ita-





Les pompes ont un by-pass qui met en commu-
nication le retour avec l'aspiration. Elles sont
installŽes sur le bržleur avec le by-pass fermŽ
par la vis 6)(B)p.22.
Il faut donc raccorder les deux ßexibles ˆ la
Si on fait fonctionner la pompe avec le retour
fermŽ et la vis de by-pass insŽrŽe, la pompe
tombe en panne immŽdiatement.
Retirer les bouchons des raccords d'aspiration
et de retour de la pompe.
A leur place, visser les ßexibles avec les joints.
Lors du montage, ne pas tordre les ßexibles.
Disposer les ßexibles de mani•re ˆ Žviter de les
Žcraser avec le pied ou quÕils soient en contact
avec les parties chaudes de la chaudi•re.
EnÞn, raccorder lÕautre extrŽmitŽ des ßexibles
aux conduits d'aspiration et de retour ˆ lÕaide
des nipples de sŽrie.

Summary of Contents for RL 55 BLU

Page 1: ...ebrenner Oil burners Bržleurs Þoul Funzionamento bistadio progressivo o modulante ZweistuÞg gleitender oder modulierender Betrieb Progressive two stage or modulating operation Fonctionnement ˆ deux allures progressives ou modulant 2915567 5 98 CODICE CODE MODELLO MODELL MODEL MODELE TIPO TYP TYPE 3895810 RL 55 BLU 950T1 3895910 RL 65 BLU 951T1 3896010 RL 85 BLU 952T1 I D GB F ...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...genderma en bezeichnet 1 A Detail 1 der Zeichnung A auf der gleichen Textseite 1 A p 4 Detail 1 der Zeichnung A auf Seite 4 D CONTENTS TECHNICAL DATA page 6 Output modulation regulator kit 6 Burner description 9 Packaging Weight 9 Max dimensions 9 Standard equipment 9 Firing rates 11 Test boiler 11 Commercial boilers 11 INSTALLATION 13 Boiler plate 13 Blast tube length 13 Securing the burner to th...

Page 4: ...atti anche al funzionamento continuo se vengono equipaggiati con lÕappa recchiatura Landis LOK 16 250 A27 intercambiabile con lÕapparecchia tura Landis LAL 1 25 del bruciatore Due stadi progressivi modulante con kit UGELLO numero 1 ugello con ritorno IMPIEGO STANDARD Caldaie ad acqua a vapore ad olio diatermico TEMPERATURA AMBIENTE C 0 40 TEMPERATURA ARIA COMBURENTE C max 60 ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRIC...

Page 5: dem Gasfeuerungsautomaten Landis Gyr LOK 16 250 A27 ausgestattet ist ist er auch fŸr den Dauerbetrieb geeignet mit dem SteuergerŠt Landis LAL 1 25 austauschbar Gleitend zweistuÞg modulierend mit Kit D SE Nummer 1 RŸcklaufdŸse STANDARDEINSATZ Heizkessel mit Wasser Dampf diathermischem l RAUMTEMPERATUR C 0 40 TEMPERATUR VERBRENNUNGSLUFT C max 60 ELEKTRISCHE SPEISUNG V Hz 230 400 mit Nulleiter 10...

Page 6: ...e continuous operation if they are equipped with the control box LANDIS type LOK 16 250 A27 interchangeable with the burner control box LAN DIS LAL 1 25 Progressive two stage modulating by Kit NOZZLE number 1 nozzle with return STANDARD APPLICATIONS Boilers water steam diathermic oil AMBIENT TEMPERATURE C 0 40 COMBUSTION AIR TEMPERATURE C max 60 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY V Hz 230 400 with neutral 10 50 th...

Page 7: ... 24 heures Ces bržleurs sont aptes aussi pour service permanent si sont Žquipes avec le bo tier LANDIS LOK 16 250 A27 interchangeable avec le bo tier LANDIS LAL 1 25 du brž leur 2 allures progressives modulant avec kit GICLEUR nombre 1 gicleur avec retour EMPLOI STANDARD Chaudi res ˆ eau ˆ vapeur ˆ huile diathermique TEMPERATURE AMBIANTE C 0 40 TEMPERATURE AIR COMBURANT C max 60 ALIMENTATION ELECT...

Page 8: ...a con avvisatore luminoso di blocco e pulsante di sblocco 25 Visore Þamma 26 Gruppo valvole con variatore pressione ritorno ugello Vi sono due possibilitˆ di blocco del bruciatore Blocco apparecchiatura lÕaccensione del pul sante dellÕapparecchiatura 24 A avverte che il bruciatore in blocco Per sbloccare premere il pulsante Blocco motore per sbloccare premere il pul sante del rel termico 19 A IMBA...

Page 9: ... pilot light and lock out reset button 25 Flame inspection window 26 Valve assembly with pressure regulator on nozzle return Two types of burner failure may occur Control Box Lock out if the control box 24 A pushbutton lights up it indicates that the burner is in lock out To reset press the pushbutton Motor trip release by pressing the pushbutton on thermal relay 19 A PACKAGING WEIGHT B Approximat...

Page 10: ... C alla pressione baro metrica di 1000 mbar circa 100 m s l m e con la testa di combustione regolata come indicato a p 12 CALDAIA DI PROVA B I campi di lavoro sono stati ricavati in speciali caldaie di prova secondo metodiche Þssate dalle norme EN 267 Riportiamo in B diametro e lunghezza della camera di combustione di prova Esempio Portata 65 kg h diametro 60 cm lunghezza 2 m Qualora il bruciatore...

Page 11: ...djusted as shown on page 13 TEST BOILER B The Þring rates were set in relation to special test boilers in accordance with the methods deÞned in EN 267 standards Figure B indicates the diameter and length of the test combustion chamber Example delivery 65 kg h diameter 60 cm length 2 m Whenever the burner is operated in a much smaller commercially available combustion chamber a preliminary test sho...

Page 12: ...ione deve consentire al boccaglio di essere estratto Per le caldaie con il frontale raffreddato ad acqua non necessario il rivestimento refratta rio 10 11 B se non vi espressa richiesta del costruttore della caldaia FISSAGGIO DEL BRUCIATORE ALLA CAL DAIA B Smontare il boccaglio 9 dal bruciatore 6 Allentare le 4 viti 3 e togliere il cofano 1 Togliere le viti 2 dalle due guide 5 Togliere le due viti...

Page 13: fettling in refractory material 10 must be inserted between the boiler fettling 11 and the blast tube 9 This protective fettling must not compromise the extraction of the blast tube For boilers having a water cooled front the refractory fettling 10 11 B is not required unless it is expressly requested by the boiler manufacturer SECURING THE BURNER TO THE BOILER B Disassemble the blast tube 9 fr...

Page 14: alla ßangia 5 tenendolo leggermente sollevato per evitare che il disco di stabilitˆ Þamma entri in contrasto con il bocca glio Avvitare le viti 1 sulle guide 2 e le viti 4 che Þs sano il bruciatore alla ßangia Qualora fosse necessario sostituire l ugello con bruciatore giˆ applicato alla caldaia montare le prolunghe 17 A p 8 sulle guide 2 C arretrare il bruciatore e ripetere lÕoperazione descri...

Page 15: ...maging the nozzle sealing seat Make sure that the electrodes are positioned as shown in Figure B Finally remount the burner 3 C on the slide bars 2 and slide it up to the ßange 5 keeping it slightly raised to prevent the ßame stability disk from pressing against the blast tube Tighten the screws 1 on the slide bars 2 and screws 4 Þxing the burner to the ßange If it proves necessary to replace the ...

Page 16: superiori ai valori riportati in tabella Legenda H Dislivello pompa valvola di fondo L Lunghezza tubazione Diametro interno tubo 1 Bruciatore 2 Pompa 3 Filtro 4 Valvola manuale intercettazione 5 Condotto di aspirazione 6 Valvola di fondo 7 Valvola manuale a chiusura rapida con comando a distanza solo Italia 8 Elettrovalvola di intercettazione solo Ita lia 9 Condotto di ritorno 10 Valvola di rit...

Page 17: ...p does not suc ceed in self priming because the tank distance and or height difference are higher than the values listed in the Table Key H Pump foot valve height difference L Piping length Inside pipe diameter 1 Burner 2 Pump 3 Filter 4 Manual on off valve 5 Suction line 6 Foot valve 7 Rapid closing manual valve remote con trolled only Italy 8 On off solenoid valve only Italy 9 Return line 10 Che...

Page 18: ...ella mandata pompa VS Valvola nella mandata pompa sicurezza VU Valvola nel ritorno ugello A Marrone B Blu C Nero COLLEGAMENTI ELETTRICI eseguiti dall installatore Usare cavi ßessibili secondo norma EN 60 335 1 se sotto guaina di PVC almeno tipo H05 VV F se sotto guaina di gomma almeno tipo H05 RR F Tutti i cavi da collegare alla morsettiera 8 B del bruciatore vanno fatti passare dai passacavi L ut...

Page 19: increase SM Servomotor TA Ignition transformer TB Burner ground earth connection VM Delivery pump valve VS Delivery pump valve safety valve VU Valve on nozzle return A Brown B Blue C Black ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS set by installer Use ßexible cables according to regulation EN 60 335 1 if in PVC boot use at least HO5 VV F if in rubber boot use at least H05 RR F All the cables to be connected to th...

Page 20: ...stesso NOTE I bruciatori RL 55 BLU RL 65 BLU RL 85 BLU lasciano la fabbrica previsti per alimentazione elettrica 400 V Se l alimentazione 230 V cam biare il collegamento del motore da stella a triangolo e la taratura del rel termico I bruciatori RL 55 BLU RL 65 BLU RL 85 BLU sono stati omologati per funzionamento intermit tente Ci signiÞca che devono fermarsi per Norma almeno 1 volta ogni 24 ore p...

Page 21: ... tion caused by a missing phase If the motor is star powered 400 V the cursor should be positioned on MIN If the motor is delta powered 230 V the cursor should be positioned on MAX Even if the scale of the thermal cut out does not include rated motor absorption at 400 V protec tion is still ensured in any case N B Burners RL 55 BLU RL 65 BLU RL 85 BLU leave the factory preset for 400 V power suppl...

Page 22: ...gasolio F Pressione max in aspirazione e ritorno G Taratura pressione in fabbrica H Larghezza maglia Þltro INNESCO POMPA Accertarsi prima di mettere in funzione il bruciatore che il tubo di ritorno in cisterna non abbia occlusioni Un eventuale impedi mento provocherebbe la rottura dell organo di tenuta posto sull albero della pompa Perch la pompa possa autoinnescarsi indi spensabile allentare la v...

Page 23: ... range E Max light oil temperature F Max suction and return pressure G Pressure calibration in the factory H Filter mesh width PUMP PRIMING Before starting the burner make sure that the tank return line is not clogged Obstructions in the line could cause the sealing organ located on the pump shaft to break In order for self priming to take place the screw 3 B of the pump must be loosened to bleed ...

Page 24: ...inima dellÕugello girando la vite 5 verso sinistra lÕeccentricitˆ diminuisce riducendo cos la diffe renza tra portata massima e minima dellÕugello NOTE Per una corretta taratura lÕeccentrico 6 deve lavorare su tutto il campo di escursione del servomotore 30 130 ad ogni variazione del servomotore deve corrispondere una varia zione di pressione Non portare mai il pistone del variatore a bat tuta lÕa...

Page 25: ... return line may be carried out by changing the setting of the eccentric 6 B of the nut and lock nut 4 B The eccentric setting should be carried out by loosening screws 7 and turning the screw 5 to obtain the desired eccentricity Turn clockwise the screw 5 to increase the eccentricity increasing the difference between the min and max capacity of the nozzle turn counter clock wise the screw 5 to de...

Page 26: ... camma sia progressiva Spegnere il bruciatore agendo sullÕinterruttore 1 A p 24 posizione OFF svincolare la camma 2 A dal servomotore premendo e spostando verso destra il pulsante 3 B e veriÞcare pi volte ruotando a mano la camma 2 avanti ed indietro che il movimento sia morbido e senza impuntamenti Vincolare nuovamente la camma 2 al servomo tore spostando verso sinistra il pulsante 2 B Per quanto...

Page 27: ...ßow rate adjustment Press the switch 2 A p 24 Òoutput increaseÓ a little so that the servomotor turns by about 15 Adjust the screws until optimal combustion is obtained Proceed in the same way with the other screws Take care that the cam proÞle variation is pro gressive Switch the burner off with switch 1 A p 24 at the OFF position disengage the cam 2 A from the servomotor by pressing the button 3...

Page 28: ...erna 116 s Si spegne la scintilla 118 s Comando servomotore per posizione di minima modulazione 126 s Termina il ciclo di avviamento FUNZIONAMENTO A REGIME A Bruciatore senza il regolatore di potenza KS 40 Terminato il ciclo di avviamento il comando del servomotore passa al telecomando TR che con trolla la pressione o la temperatura in caldaia punto B Se la temperatura o la pressione bassa per cui...

Page 29: ... goes back into the tank 116 s The spark goes out 118 s Servomotor control for minimum modulation position 126 s The starting cycle ends STEADY STATE OPERATION A Burner without output regulator KS 40 At the end of the starting cycle the servo motor control then passes to load control TR for boiler pressure or temperature point B If the temperature or pressure is low and the TR load control is cons...

Page 30: ...are la camma 2 A p 26 dal servomo tore premendo e spostando verso destra il pul sante 3 B p 26 e controllare manualmente che la sua rotazione avanti ed indietro sia scorre vole Vincolare nuovamente la camma spo stando verso sinistra il pulsante 2 B p 26 Filtri A Controllare i cestelli Þltranti di linea 1 in pompa 2 all ugello 3 pulirli o sostituirli Se all interno della pompa si notano ruggine o a...

Page 31: ...essing and moving button 3 B p 26 towards the right and turn it backwards and for wards by hand to make sure it moves freely Now engage the cam again by moving the but ton 2 B p 26 to the left Filters A Check the following Þlter boxes on line 1 in pump 2 at nozzle 3 and clean or replace as required If rust or other impurities are observed inside the pump use a separate pump to suck out any water a...

Page 32: ...iunto motore pompa rotto Sostituirlo 31 Aspirazione pompa collegata al tubo di ritorno Correggere collegamento 32 Valvole a monte della pompa chiuse Aprirle 33 Filtri sporchi di linea in pompa allÕugello Pulirli 34 Rotazione motore contraria Cambiare i collegamenti elettrici al motore La Þamma si accende regolar mente ma il bruciatore va in blocco al termine del tempo di sicurezza 35 Fotocellula o...

Page 33: ...ugung mit RŸcklaußeitung verbunden Verbindung korrigieren 32 Ventile oberhalb der Pumpe geschlossen ffnen 33 Filter verschmutzt Linie Pumpe DŸse Reinigen 34 Falsche Motordrehung ElektroanschlŸsse zum Motor wechseln RegelmŠ ige Flammenbildung doch fŠhrt der Brenner nach Ablauf der Sicherheitszeit in Stšr abschaltung 35 Photozelle oder SteuergerŠt defekt Photozelle oder SteuergerŠt auswechseln 36 Ph...

Page 34: ... Check 28 Defective control box Replace 29 Pump unprimed Prime pump and see Pump unprimesÓ 53 54 30 Pump motor coupling broken Replace 31 Pump suction line connected to return line Correct connection 32 Valves up line from pump closed Open 33 Filters dirty line pump nozzle Clean 34 Incorrect motor rotation direction Change motor electrical connections The ßame ignites normally but the burner locks...

Page 35: ...ompe cassŽ Le remplacer 31 Aspiration pompe reliŽe au tuyau de retour ModiÞer le raccordement 32 Vannes en amont de la pompe fermŽes Les ouvrir 33 Filtre sales de ligne sur pompe au gicleur Les nettoyer 34 Rotation moteur inversŽe Changer les connexions Žlectriques sur le moteur La ßamme sÕallume normalement mais le bržleur se bloque ˆ la Þn du dŽlai de sŽcuritŽ 35 Photocellule ou coffret dŽfectue...

Page 36: ...R B L Riello Bruciatori Legnago s p a Via degli Alpini 1 I 37045 Legnago VR Tel 442 630111 Fax 442 21980 Con riserva di modiÞche nderungen vorbehalten Subject modiÞcations Sous rŽserve de modiÞcations ...
