Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead and determined to win 42
processing file, the system will display total processing time. Different processing speed will
correspond to different processing time.
Find break no
If fail or forget to save the breakpoint,but not change work origin,after changing new tool
users can choose this operation. Move X,Y axis to the processing stop position,press
to start ―Advanced Work‖,and then press
to choose ―Find break
to get in,after reading,screen shows
Press enter key to continue working
from searching position,press other key only show the line number.
to start processing,press
,the screen will show theline
Work coordinate system must be same to the coordinate system which saves the
Look for position line number. If accidentally cutter break and user hasn’t saved the break
point, reboot system and replace the cutter. After that, user can manually move X, Y axis to the
nearest point where the cutter was broken (recommend to move a little further), press ―
enter into ―Find break no.‖, afterwards choose the previous processing file, the system will prompt
―searching current position‖. System will start processing after finished the searching, the system
will prompt ―press ―
‖start processing
press ―
‖ to view the current position of
line number‖.
5 . 6 . 9
Scale work
If the actual processing requires different sizes of the same file, you can select the
scale work
you need to enter an enlargement or reduction ratio for processing.
to get in
Scale work