Copyright 2011-2020, RFXCOM
RFXtrx Version 5.68
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12. Transmit Funkbus (Insta, Gira, Jung, Berker)
With Pro2 or ProXL1 firmware you can transmit Funkbus commands using ID : 3F CC.
If the Home Automation application has Funkbus control not implemented, you can use an
ANSLUT device instead.
The 1st digit of the ID indicates the Group.
0 = A,
1 = B,
2 = C,
3 = Scenes
The last 2 bytes are the remote ID: 3F CC.
For de groups A, B en C: Unit code 1-8 = channel 1-8
For group Scenes (3) : Unit code 1-5 = scene 1-5.
Example Group A - Channel 1 - On
Example Group Scenes – Scene 5 - On