Copyright 2011-2020, RFXCOM
RFXtrx Version 5.68
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3. Install the USB driver
The RFXtrx has the FTDI FT232R USB interface chip installed.
The RFXtrx433XL has the FTDI FT230XQ USB interface chip installed.
The USB drivers are available at
4. Run RFXflash on Linux under Mono
Open a Terminal screen in Linux (Ctrl-Alt-T)
Execute once:
Install Mono:
apt-get install mono-runtime
Install VisualBasic support under Mono:
apt-get install libmono-microsoft-visualbasic8.0-cil
If the USB device is created as ttyACMx you will need to create a link between
/dev/ttyACMx and a serial port /dev/ttySx.
This is not necessary if the device is created as /dev/ttyUSBx !!
ln -sf /dev/ttyACM1 /dev/ttyS3
Note: sudo must be entered without brackets [ ]. sudo is required if not running as super user.
Launch the RFXflash.exe program.
mono RFXflash.exe
Note: RFXmngr does not operate under mono!