Copyright 2011-2020, RFXCOM
RFXtrx Version 5.68
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9. Somfy RTS
Somfy RTS* devices can only be controlled by the RFXtrx433E / RFXtrx433XL. (not with the
The RFXtrx433E/RFXtrx433XL version is an RFXtrx433 with additional hardware to enable the
RFY protocol used to control Somfy RTS.
The 433.42MHz transmitter in the RFXtrx433E/RFXtrx433XL is used for a reliable control of the
Somfy RTS devices over a large distance and through walls.
The RFXtrx433E/RFXtrx433XL 433.92MHz transmitter is used to control all other devices.
To pair the Somfy RTS device:
Select a unique ID and unitcode for the RFXCOM RFY device.
Disconnect power from all Somfy RTS devices except the device to pair.
Press the Program button > 2 seconds on the original Somfy remote until the Somfy device
Transmit a Program command with the RFXtrx433E/RFXtrx433XL. The Somfy RTS device
should respond indicating the pair command was successful.
The RFXCOM RFY remote is registered in the RFXtrx433E/RFXtrx433XL by sending a Program
Up to 40 RFXCOM RFY remotes can be registered in the RFXtrx433E/RFXtrx433XL.
Remotes can be erased from the RFXtrx433E/RFXtrx433XL using the RFXmngr program.
The Somfy RTS device can be controlled by any application as long as the same ID and Unit
Code are used.
For example, if the RTS device is paired using RFXmngr with ID=1 02 03 and Unit Code 1, the
RTS device can be controlled with Homeseer using the same ID and unit code.
To control Somfy Centralis modules use the RFY2 = > 2 seconds commands.
Somfy Tilt motors can be configured in 2 modes, US or European.
To toggle between modes, press the Reset/ Prog button 2 s. Repeat until the LED, according to
the desired configuration, lights up. Store by pressing 2 s.
To control Venetian Blinds in US mode:
- up/down (transmit < 0.5 seconds): open or close
- up/down (transmit > 2seconds): change angle
To control Venetian Blinds in Europe mode:
- up/down (transmit < 0.5 seconds): change angle
- up/down (transmit > 2seconds): open or close
Somfy RTS motors have a limited number of memory locations for the remotes. Some have a max
of 10 remotes. If you try to pair the 11th remote (can be a RFXtrx433E/RFXtrx433XL ID-unit) the
motor reacts as if the pairing was successful but there is no response on an up/down command.
To solve this, reset the motor to remove all remotes.
* Somfy RTS are registered trademarks of Somfy System, Inc.