Copyright 2011-2020, RFXCOM
RFXtrx Version 5.68
page 42 / 70
8. Blyss commands
Some Blyss devices, like the Blyss motors, require a special command sequence number. To
simplify it; 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,…
This sequence number is normally created by the Blyss remote but now also by the RFXtrx433.
If you use a Blyss remote and the application (Domoticz, DomotiGa, Homeseer…) does not sync
with the received Blyss command you will see that you need to send multiple commands with the
RFXtrx433 before the Blyss device will respond.
For example,
The Blyss remote transmits with the sequence numbers 0,1,2
If the RFXtrx433 transmits now with sequence number 0 it will not be seen by the Blyss device as
a valid command and at the time the RFXtrx433 transmits the commands 1,2,3 the command will
be detected as valid when it receives the command with sequence number 3.
The same is true for the remote. If you transmit commands with the RFXtrx433 and after that with
a Blyss remote you need to transmit several commands with the remote before the Blyss device
I guess the same behaviour will show if you use multiple Blyss remotes.