Routing and Connecting a Neutral
Conductor (N)
If a neutral conductor is used together with a three-phase connection, it must
not be installed unfiltered in zones B and C, in order to keep interference off
the mains.
Motor Fan at Mains Filter
Single-phase or three-phase supply lines of motor fans, that are usually rout‐
ed in parallel with motor power cables or interference-susceptible lines, must
be filtered:
In drive systems with regenerative supply units, via a separate single-
phase (NFE type) or three-phase filter (HNF type) near the mains con‐
nection of the control cabinet
In drive systems with only infeeding supply units, via the available three-
phase filter of the drive system
When switching power off, make sure the fan is not switched off.
When switching power off, make sure the fan is not switched off.
Loads at Mains Filter of Drive Sys‐
Only operate allowed loads at the mains filter of the drive system!
At the three-phase filter for the power connection of regenerative
supply units, it is only allowed to operate the following loads:
HMV supply unit with mains choke and, if necessary, mains
Do not operate any motor fans, power supply units etc. at the
mains filter of the drive system.
Shielding Mains Supply Lines in
Control Cabinet
If there is a high degree of interference injection to the mains supply line with‐
in the control cabinet, although you have observed the above instructions (to
be found out by EMC measurement according to standard), proceed as fol‐
Only use shielded lines in area A
Connect shields to the mounting plate at the beginning and the end of
the line by means of clips
The same procedure may be required for long cables of more than 2 m be‐
tween the point of power supply connection of the control cabinet and the fil‐
ter within the control cabinet.
Mains Filters for AC Drives
Ideally mount the mains filter on the parting line between the areas A and B.
Make sure the ground connection between filter housing and housing of the
drive controllers has good electrically conductive properties.
If single-phase loads are connected on the load side of the filter, their current
may be a maximum of 10% of the three-phase operating current. A highly im‐
balanced load of the filter would deteriorate its interference suppression ca‐
If the mains voltage is more than 480 V, connect the filter to the output side of
the transformer and not to the supply side of the transformer.
In the case of bad ground connections in the installation, the distance be‐
tween the lines to the grounding points E1, E2 in area A and the other
grounding points of the drive system should be at least d4 = 400 mm, in order
to minimize interference injection from ground and ground cables to the pow‐
er input lines.
See also
6.2.2 Division Into Areas (Zones), page 50
Point of Connection for Equipment
Grounding Conductor at Machine,
Installation, Control Cabinet
The equipment grounding conductor of the power cable of the machine, in‐
stallation or control cabinet has to be permanently connected at point PE and
have a cross section of at least 10 mm
or to be complemented by a second
equipment grounding conductor via separate terminal connectors (according
to EN 61800-5-1:2007, section If the cross section of the outer
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS03
EMC Measures for Design and Installation