Apart from the indicated connections, it is necessary to wire the
Bb contact at the control section for signaling the readiness for
operation of the drive controller (see Project Planning Manual
"Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Control Sections").
X3, Mains Connection
Important Notes
Lethal electric shock by live parts with more
than 50 V!
Exclusively operate the device
with plugged on connectors (even if there haven't been any lines con‐
nected to the connectors) and
with connected equipment grounding conductor!
Notes on Installation
Dimension the required cross section of the connection cables according to
the determined phase current I
and the mains fuse.
Equipment grounding conductor: Material and cross section
For the equipment grounding conductor, use the same metal (e.g.
copper) as for the outer conductors.
For the connections from the equipment grounding conductor
connection of the device to the equipment grounding conductor
system in the control cabinet, make sure the cross sections of the
lines are sufficient.
Cross sections of the equipment grounding connections:
For HCS03.1E drive controllers, HMV01 and HMV02 supply
units at least 10 mm
(AWG 8), but not smaller than the
cross sections of the outer conductors of the mains supply
For HCS02.1E drive controllers, at least 4 mm
(AWG 10),
but not smaller than the cross sections of the outer conduc‐
tors of the mains supply feeder
Additionally, mount the housing of HCS02.1E to a bare met‐
al mounting plate. Connect the mounting plate, too, with at
least the same cross section to the equipment grounding
conductor system in the control cabinet.
For outer conductors with a cross section greater than 16 mm²,
you can reduce the cross section of the equipment grounding
connection according to the table "Equipment Grounding Conduc‐
tor Cross Section".
Cross-sectional area A of outer conduc‐
Minimum cross-sectional area A
equipment grounding connection
A ≤ 16 mm²
16 mm² < A ≤ 35 mm²
35 mm² < A
A / 2
Equipment Grounding Conductor Cross Section
Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS03
Bosch Rexroth AG
Instructions for Use