9,1xxxxxxxxxx sends a dial tone after the user presses '9' until '1' is
'!' is used to reject a sequence by placing it at the end of the sequence
1900xxxxxxx! will reject 900 area code numbers
'^' is used to exclude digits in the set of the range []
[^15] includes 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 i.e. [02346789]
[^2-4] includes 0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 i.e. [0156789]
Dial Plan Examples
Example 1:
This dial plan accepts only US−style 1 + area−code + local−number, with no
restrictions on the area code and number:
• 1 xxx xxxxxxx
Example 2:
This plan allows seven−digit US−style dialing, and automatically inserts a 1 +
212 (local area code) in the transmitted number:
• 1 xxx xxxxxxx | <:1212> xxxxxxx
Example 3:
For an office environment, the following plan requires a user to dial 8 as a
prefix for local calls and 9 as a prefix for long distance. Neither prefix is
transmitted when initiating the call.
• <9:>1 xxx xxxxxxx |<8:1212>xxxxxxx
Example 4:
This dial plan allows US−style long distance, but blocks 9xx area codes:
• 1 [2-8]xx [2-9]xxxxxx