SERENA P GB-R04 del 03-07-17
00/Per Bertani/Manuali d’uso Serena/ Serena con stampante
Carry out maintenance with the machine off, having pulled the plug from the wall
outlet, when the various components are not at high temperature.
The declaration of conformity to standards in force has no effect if the below
maintenance have not been performed.
In case of replacement of one or more components you need to verify the integrity of
the safety of the machine.
In response of all maintenance indicated it is declared a useful life of the device of 8
Depending on the application of existing rules will require the user to perform all
maintenance indicated. This is to ensure that the device maintains the level of
performance and security declared by the manufacturer.
The operations and maintenance checks must be made on time and procedures
indicated. Otherwise the guarantee will no longer be 'valid and the manufacturer will
not be liable for any damages.
It is required by those who perform maintenance to communicate the manufacturer
the operations carried out.
In the maintenance phase should be used only parts supplied by the manufacturer.
The machine requires special maintenance, so it is good practice to follow the instructions below:
Periodically check the electrical system with particular attention to the connection cable.
In case of damage
please contact our technical support or service assistant
Clean periodically the door, the gasket and
with particular care the inside of the chamber
from any of
calcification using the supplied wet sponge. Proper cleaning maintenance of these parts of the machine
makes optimal the performance of the sterilization cycle.
In the event of prolonged inactivity switch off the machine leaving the door not completely closed, keep it in an
environment with a temperature >8 ° C and empty both tanks.
To clean the fairing is necessary to use a wet cloth. Never use flammable liquids case.
It is recommended to replace at least once every 6 months or when the machine signals, the bacterial filter.
Clean the door / clean the porthole / general cleaning of internal or external surfaces.
Clean the black silicon gasket of the door, the outer edge, and the internal support of the sterilization chamber on
which the gasket is sealed.
For this cleaning, use the sponge that comes, the soft part will be used to clean the seal and the rough to clean the
edge of the chamber.
This clean should be performed regularly to remove any impurities that may cause loss of pressure.
Also check that the gasket has no cuts or incisions, or imperfections.
Cleaning the chamber sterilization / cleaning trays and plate trolley.
As specified in section "General Maintenance", you must eliminate any deposits on the bottom of the chamber. Use the
rough part of the supplied sponge for this operation trying to eliminate all traces of limestone. Rinse everything with the
same water used for sterilization. This cleaning should also be extended to the tray and the tray door.
Clean with a barely wet sponge all over the furniture of the autoclave, including the cover of the door.
Lubricate the pins and locking mechanisms with silicone spray.
Check the movement of the hinge pin and door locks; lubricate with silicone spray.
Check the adjustment black silicon gasket of the door: if it appears very slow use the special wrench to adjust.