SERENA P GB-R04 del 03-07-17
00/Per Bertani/Manuali d’uso Serena/ Serena con stampante
Use the keyboard to navigate through the menu:
Pressing the info button when the machine is running and the door closed, the following technical
data will appear:
1. Temperature probes
2. Four other temperatures
3. The chamber pressure
4. Quantity of water
5. the voltage
6. Water quality expressed in microns
7. Door status and levels
It allows to go to the previous menu or to exit any situation.
It allows to:
1. Close the door
2. Interrupt a cycle
3. Confirm a menu item
4. Enter the menu item
5. Open the door
6. Trigger the pump that fills the tank (with door open)
It allows to:
1. Go up / down in a menu item
2. Pressed together take off any alarms.