Model U-1400 Operations Manual Rev Apr 2020 Page
of 39
The Model U-1400 stores operating parameters and detection reference settings in two places. The detector
hardware includes an internally mounted EEPROM and an externally mounted EEPROM memory module. In
order for the detector to operate properly, the external EEPROM module shipped with the detector
connected to the DB-15 Aux Port connector on the front panel.
Logic programmed into the detector operating firmware continually checks the data stored on the two components
listed above. This check function provides a means of verifying several key factors that ensure that the detector is
functioning properly. These include:
Detector power up status - Has the detector powered up correctly and is it operating in the correct state?
Detector Failure status - Are failure conditions being identified and is the detector responding to these failures
Stored data status - Is the data stored on each of the two data storage components consistent with one another?
This phase of the check function allows the user to program the detector with data stored on a master external
EEPROM module connected to the DB-15 Aux Port connector on the front panel.
If the information obtained via the check function indicates that there is a problem with some phase of the detector
operation, the LCD screen will display one or more of the error messages listed below.
Uninitialized External EEPROM. The display will toggle between the two
screens shown with a 50% duty cycle. This is an indication that the
external EEPROM memory module is missing, that it is not installed
properly, or that it is uninitialized. To correct this problem, verify that the
module is installed correctly and press the
pushbutton. If the error
message does not clear, the external EEPROM memory module is
defective. Replace it with a functional module and press the
pushbutton to clear the error message. If the error message still does not
clear, return the detector to the factory for servicing.
Warning: If the error message clears after pressing the FUNC
pushbutton, the user must confirm that the stored detector settings are
correct for the installation in question.
Uninitialized Internal EEPROM. The display will toggle between the two
screens shown with a 50% duty cycle. This is an indication that the
internal EEPROM is uninitialized. To correct this problem, press the
pushbutton. If the error message does not clear, the internal
EEPROM is defective. Return the detector to the factory for servicing.
Warning: If the error message clears after pressing the FUNC
pushbutton, the user must confirm that the stored detector settings are
correct for the installation in question.
Uninitialized Internal and External EEPROMs. The display will toggle
between the two screens shown with a 50% duty cycle. This is an
indication that the internal EEPROM and the external EEPROM memory
module are uninitialized. To correct this problem, press the
pushbutton. If the error message does not clear, the internal EEPROM
and the external EEPROM memory module are defective. Return the
detector to the factory for servicing. NOTE: Clearing this error message
will reset the detector to factory default settings and will clear any
previously mapped output(s).
Warning: If the error message clears after pressing the FUNC
pushbutton, the user must confirm that the stored detector settings are
correct for the installation in question.