RSH3-6c-500 / 600 and RSH3-6-600 / 700 / 800 stylus holders
The RSH3-6 stylus holders for the RSP3-6 probe are suitable for applications requiring straight extensions up to 800 mm from REVO's A-axis
centre of rotation. The RSH3-6c stylus holders are suitable for applications requiring cranked extensions up to 600 mm from REVO's A-axis
centre of rotation.
RCP TC-2 and RCP TC-3
The thermally controlled RCP TC-2 and RCP TC-3 ports maintain stored probes at operating temperature. They are compatible with
Renishaw's MRS and MRS2 rack systems.
RCP TC-3 is for use with RSP3-6 and SFP2 only.
The RCP2 enables rapid and repeatable changing of RSH3-6 stylus holders. It is compatible with Renishaw's MRS and MRS2 rack systems.
FCR25 flexible change rack unit
Rapid and repeatable changing of the RSH3-1 / 2 / 3 / 4 stylus holders is possible via the FCR25 triple port change rack unit, which is
compatible with Renishaw's MRS and MRS2 rack systems.
FCR25 stand-off plate
The FCR25 stand-off plate should be used on all REVO installations to mount FCR25 ports to the MRS / MRS2 rack system.
PA25-RSH3 port adapter
PA25-RSH3 port adapters are required for automated changing of the RSH3-1 / 2 / 3 / 4 stylus holders into and out of the FCR25 rack. A
PA25-RSH3 port adapter is included in every RSH3 and RSP3 kit.
RSP3 installation and user's guide
Issued 06 2022