System description
The RSP3 range of probes gives REVO users the ability to carry cranked stylus arrangements and enhanced capability for carrying long styli.
The RSP3-1 / 2 / 3 / 4 probes can be used for both 3D-scanning (X, Y, Z) and touch-trigger applications. They enable accurate scanning
measurement with effective stylus lengths ranging from 20 mm - 394 mm. The RSP3-6 probe, on the other hand, provides REVO with
enhanced capability for carrying long cranked and straight styli. RSP3-6 can be used for 2D scanning and 3D touch-trigger applications. It
carries straight extensions up to 800 mm from REVO's A-axis centre of rotation, and cranked extensions up to 600 mm from REVO's A-axis
centre of rotation.
The RSP3 range uses 3-axis scanning with fixed REVO head angles during measurement. Each probe is designed to provide optimized
accuracy and contact force over a specified stylus range. Consequently, the RSH3 stylus holders are intended to fit only with their respective
RSP3 probe.
Design principles of the RSP3 scanning probes
RSP3 uses an optical transducer sensor and a pivoting motion system similar to that found in SP25M system.
The probe's pivoting motion system has two diaphragm springs. One of the RSP3 springs allows movement in all directions whilst the other
(pivot) spring is stiff in (probe) X and Y, but allows movement in Z. Its optical transducer sensor system has two infrared light emitting diodes
that project invisible infrared beams on mirrors mounted on the pivoting moving structure within the probe. The mirrors focus the beams
back onto two position sensitive devices (PSDs) which provide signal outputs in the three probe axes: P, Q, R (converted into X, Y, Z signals by
the calibration routine).
Unlike the SP25M, the RSP3's probe and module elements are built as one.
System components overview
RSP3-1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The RSP3-1 / 2 / 3 / 4 range of probes provide REVO with 3D-scanning (X, Y, Z) touch-trigger and crank stylus capabilities.
The RSP3-6 probe provides REVO with enhanced capability for carrying long cranked and straight styli. RSP3-6 can be used for both 3D
touch-trigger and 2D scanning applications.
RSH3-1 / 2 / 3 / 4 stylus holders
The RSH3-1 / 2 / 3 / 4 stylus holders are designed to fit with their respective RSP3 probe. They enable accurate scanning measurements with
effective stylus lengths ranging from 20 mm - 394 mm.
The RSH3 range of stylus holders replace the SH25 range of stylus holders for use with REVO only. The SH25 range should still be used with
RSP3 installation and user's guide
Issued 06 2022