System calibration
It is absolutely crucial that the probe is precisely calibrated for each measurement procedure before measurement is taken. Renishaw
recommends using a universal calibration tower (Renishaw part number A-3060-4590) to ensure best metrology performance with the RSP3
range of scanning probes.
The position of the individual ball styli and their diameters should be established using the probe calibration programme recommended by
the machine manufacturer (see the manufacturer's manual). Each RSP3 probe configuration should initially be calibrated and A0, B0 before
the probe can be calibrated in the required head orientations.
It is important, when calibrating the RSP3 probe, that the probe is able to access the full circumference of the
calibration sphere perpendicular to the direction of the stylus. Sub optimal performance is achieved when a probe is unable to scan
the full circumference of the calibration sphere. For instance, to calibrate a probe at both A0, B0 and A90, B0, the calibration sphere
should be mounted with a stalk at 45° to the bed of the CMM.
Calibration with standard gimball datum sphere
RSP3 installation and user's guide
Issued 06 2022