Appendix F
Using Modems with AutoMax Systems
This section describes how to connect a local personal computer to a remote
rack through modems. The term local" is used to denote the location of the
personal computer from which you will communicate through modems. The term
remote" is used to denote the location of the rack with which you will
communicatethrough modems.
Note that this section describes how to connect modems to the
PROGRAMMER/PORT B" port, not theports in therack availableto theuser. See
Appendix C for connections to user ports.
Theinstructions below assumetheuseof Hayes modems or Hayes compatible
modems. Refer to JĆ3684 or JĆ3750 for information on connecting and
disconnecting the personal computer and the Processor.
Installing the Modem at the Remote End
Theinstructions below assumethat theremoterack already contains a runbase,
or operating system.
1. If you have not already done so, connect a personal computer to the
PROGRAMMER/PORT B" port on the leftĆmost Processor module in the
2. Run the AutoMax Programming Executive.
3. Select the OnĆLine Programming menu.
4. Select the Connect menu.
5. Select Baud Rate.
6. Using theup and down arrow keys, choosethebaud ratethat matches the
baud rateof themodem you will beusing.
7. Press <CR> to select the baud rate.
8. Disconnect the cable between the Processor and the personal computer.
9. Set the modem to autoĆanswer mode.
10. Connect themodem to thetelephonelineand to thesameProcessor port
used for the personal computer. The cable between the DBĆ25 connectors on
the modem and the Processor uses straight wiring for pins 2, 3, and 7.
Accessing a Rack by Modem
1. Edit thefileBAUDRATE.INI in theAMX2 subdirectory (for Version 2.0 systems)
or AMX3 for Version 3.0 systems on the local personal computer.
2. Assign NORM" to the modem baud rate. For a 1200 baud modem, you
would select NORM=1200. The modem attached to the local personal
computer must beat thesamebaud rateas themodem on theremote
3. Attach a modem to the personal computer port COM1 or COM2. Attach the
modem to a phone line.
4. If you havenot already doneso, run theAutoMax Executive.
5. Select Communication Interface (F6) (AutoMax V2.X) or select Kermit from the
command menu (AutoMax V3.X)
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