A Control Block task containing theCML block must not bepresent
when a tick rate of other than 5.5 msec. is used. If a Control Block
task with theCML block is installed and thetick rateis not 5.5 msec.,
thetask installation will fail.
A tick rate below 2.0 msec is not recommended for 6010/6011
Processors due to system overhead. A Control Block task containing
with at most 15 average blocks (an average block has a 70
execution time) can run with a 2.0 msec. tick rate; a task with 30
blocks can run at 3.0 msec.
This section describes limitations and restrictions on the use of this
Number of Processors in a Rack
A maximum of four Processor modules may be plugged into the
rack. M/N 57C430A, M/N 57C431, and M/N 57C435 can beused in
Rack Slot Restrictions
A Processor modulecan occupy any slot from 0Ć4 in the6, 10 or
16Ćslot AutoMax rack. If therack will contain multipleProcessors, slot
0 must contain a Common Memory module and slots 1Ć4 can contain
Use with the DCS5000 M/N 57C407 Processor
Module or the 57C430 Processor Module
A M/N 57C430A, M/N 57C431, or M/N 57C435 Processor module
cannot be used in a rack that also contains a M/N 57C407 Processor
module or a 57C430 Processor module.
A rack can contain either 1) DCS5000 Processors only, or 2)
M/N 57C430A, 57C431, and 57C435 Processors only. You can,
however, connect the racks together over a network.
Ethernet Commands
All tasks using Ethernet commands must be run on the leftĆmost
Processor in the rack.
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