selected, the 0-10V output signal is in direct relationship to the
desired temperature.
Ripple c. (yes/no)
Settings for 0-10V source control by Ripple control signal.
sensor (sensor list)
Control sensor for a 0-10V source.
max. temp. (°C)
Setting of max. flow temperature from a heat source. This temperature
will be used as the upper limit value for a desired boiler temperature.
signal min (V)
Minimum signal level (corresponds to the min. temperature/output –
see further screens).
signal max (V)
Maximum signal level (corresponds to the max. temperature/output –
see further screens).
signal DHW (V)
Output value set for a DHW demand (independent of the desired
signal OFF (V)
Output value set for the source being off.
Parameter settings for the output signal of
type (see the first adjustment screen).
min. power (%)
Min. power, corresponding to signal min. parameter.
max. power (%)
Max. power, corresponding to signal max. parameter.