Base Station
user manual
Doc. #70-00058-01-01-DRAFT
Proprietary Redline Communications © 2006
Page 87 of 106
IP address for the PC is set to the same subnet as the terminal. For example, the IP
address should only differ in the last octet (i.e., 192.168.101.X).
2. The next test is to verify the IP address is reachable from the computer. Use the ping
command to test the connection between the terminal and host computer. The system
always responds to ping frames less that 577 bytes in length.
If the ping test is successful the host computer was able to send and receive packets.
The problem may be with the Internet browser or related settings on the host
computer. Re-boot the host computer to try to resolve the problem.
If the ping is not successful, the IP address may be incorrect, or a duplicate address
may exist.
3. If the current address of the terminal cannot be determined, it is recommended to
perform a long-reset. Performing a long-reset restores the terminal IP address and IP
Subnet Mask to the factory default values. Note that this operation may discard some
custom settings.
Table 35
Troubleshooting - Web Interface Diagnostics
Possible Problem
Incorrect IP address
and/or Subnet
Perform a ping test from the host computer
command line. If the ping test is unsuccessful,
then the problem is with the IP address. Perform
a long-reset to restore the default address.
Problems with host
computer, or
If the ping is successful, reboot of the base
station and/or host computer.
cannot be
Host PC ARP table
is incorrectly
Run 'arp -d' whenever connecting to a different
base station terminal. Check that the subnet
mask for the host PC matches the subnet mask
of the terminal. Check that the host PC address is
in the same subnet.
7.7 RF
The terminal monitors the status of the outdoor transceiver unit and reports any fault
conditions in the system event log. The following table lists the general fault conditions
reported by the terminal.
Table 36
Troubleshooting - RF Error Diagnostics
Error Type
IF PLL Unlocked
The PLL (Phase Locked Loop) section within the terminal
experienced an error. The System Fault LED may light. Try
resetting the unit.
Communication Error
Over IF Cable
Communication between the terminal and the transceiver
failed. Check the IF cable and connectors.
Outdoor Unit
Temperature is too
High. Air Interface
Disabled for 15 Minutes
The internal temperature of the transceiver is above 82C
(180°F). The transceiver shuts down to allow cooling.