Base Station
user manual
Doc. #70-00058-01-01-DRAFT
Proprietary Redline Communications © 2006
Page 51 of 106
Classifier Configuration Screen
Add a Classifier
: Select the index number of the service flow. Refer to the Service Flows
Configuration screen for a list of all service flows.
: Check this box to set a priority for this classifier. When a packet can be
classified by more than one classifier definition, it is classified according to the classifier
with the highest priority setting. Enter a priority value from 0 to 255 (highest priority).
Packets are tested beginning with classifier definition having the highest priority value.
The packet is processed based on the first discovered match. If classifiers have equal
priority, the order of evaluation can not be predicted.
: Check this box to enable classification based on a destination MAC
address (downstream traffic from the base station). Enter the MAC address in the
adjacent field. When matched, downlink traffic is sent from the base station using the
associated service flow.
: Enter the mask value (hexadecimal) to be used with the destination
MAC address (DestMacAddr). Valid only if the DestMacAddr is enabled ( ). For
1. A mask value of all ones (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) will match only the MAC address entered in
the DestMacAddr field.
2. A partially specified mask value will match a range of MAC addresses. For example, a
mask value of 01:02:03:ff:ff:ff will match all MAC addresses where the first 48 bits are
01:02:03. The DestMacAddr should be set to all zeros.
3. A mask of all zeros (00:00:00:00:00:00) will match all destination MAC addresses.
The DestMacAddr field value is not used.
Note: Only one classifier can have a DestMacMask value set to all zeros.
: Check this box to enable classification based on a source MAC
address (upstream traffic to the base station). Enter the MAC address in the adjacent
field. When matched, uplink traffic is sent from the subscriber using the associated
service flow.
: Enter the mask value (hexadecimal) to be used with the source MAC
address (SourceMacAddr). Valid only if SourceMacAddr is enabled ( ).
1. A mask value of all ones (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) will match only the MAC address entered in
the SourceMacAddr field.
2. A partially specified mask value will match a range of MAC addresses. For example, a
mask value of 01:02:03:ff:ff:ff will match all MAC addresses where the first 48 bits are
01:02:03. The SourceMacAddr should be set to all zeros.
3. A mask of all zeros (00:00:00:00:00:00) will match all source MAC addresses. The
SourceMacAddr field value is not used.
Note: Only one classifier can have a DestMacMask value set to all zeros.