2.1. We Need Feedback!
If you discover a typo in the
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide
or have thought of a way to
make this manual better, we would love to hear from you. Submit a bug report against the component
rhel-ig-ppc-multi in Bugzilla at:
When submitting a bug report, be sure to mention the manual’s identifier:
rhel-ig-ppc-multi(EN)-3-Print-RHI (2003-07-25T17:09)
If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation, try to be as specific as possible when de-
scribing it. If you have found an error, please include the section number and some of the surrounding
text so we can find it easily.
If you have a support question (for example, if you need help configuring X, or if you are not sure
how to partition your hard drive[s]), use the online support system by registering your product at:
3. Accessibility Solutions
While the graphic user interface (GUI) is convenient for sighted users, it is often inhibiting to those
with visual impairments because of the difficulty speech synthesizers have interpreting graphics. Red
Hat Enterprise Linux is an ideal operating system for users with visual limitations because the GUI is
not required by the kernel. Most modern tools including email, news, Web browsers, calendars, calcu-
lators, and much more can run on Linux without a graphical environment. The working environment
can also be customized to meet the hardware or software needs of the user.
Red Hat, Inc. is the distribution of choice for people with special needs because of the outstanding
support that is offered with the purchase of any boxed set. Many Linux distributions provide limited
or nonexistent support to customers. Red Hat’s installation support is deliverable via email or via
the telephone and special circumstances will be considered and addressed for users with physical
limitations. Customers should inform the support technician if they require specialized support.
For more information, refer to:
file provides more information and instructions for
using some of the tools available for users with special needs. This file can be found in
, where
is the release number of your installed